The enforcement of late reports has been lax in recent weeks, so it
seems only fair to warn everyone--I plan to issue 2 blot unforgiveable
fines this upcoming Thursday for any weekly/monthly reports that are
due today and are not submitted by end of day on this upcoming
Wednesday.  If there are more than 3 such late reports, then I plan to
invoke R2532 to have my zombie Point eir Finger at the additional
people, since I can't issue SJ to more than three people.  I suspect
that use of my zombie could be controversial, but Finger Pointing
isn't listed as an excluded action by R2532, so I think it is
permitted.  Let me know if any one disagrees with that, though, and I
might not do it that way.  Also, maybe somewhat less controversially,
I note that per the method in R1728(1) I plan to use/invoke R2465 on
Thursday with regard to any players at that time who are located on
(-2, 2), which I think is my land, but if any one objects to that then
I won't.  Thanks.

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