On 7/7/2020 6:05 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-discussion wrote:
On 7/7/20 6:02 PM, ATMunn via agora-business wrote:
When a person transfers any number of assets to this contract, those
assets are considered to be in eir account. A party to this contract CAN
transfer any number of assets from eir account to emself. Attempts to
transfer more assets to emself than are in eir account are INEFFECTIVE.

The most important part of the existing locker contracts are the "acting
as emself" clauses, which means that nobody can steal assets from the
contract, even if they could steal assets from the person emself. This
contract does not appear to have such a clause.

Ah, right. Good point.

Being the only party to this contract, I amend the second paragraph to read:


When a person transfers any number of assets to this contract, those
assets are considered to be in eir account. A party to this contract
CAN, acting as emself, transfer any number of assets from eir account to
emself. Attempts to  transfer more assets to emself than are in eir
account are INEFFECTIVE.


friendly neighborhood notary here :)

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