A proposal should not create the risk of accidental ballots in its own favour 
by means of clever phrasing or titles, except for this proposal.

I resubmit the following proposal, with a corrected adoption index:


Title: FOR Require Intent on Ballots
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: o

Replace the text of rule 683 'Voting on Agoran Decisions' with:

     An entity submits a ballot on an Agoran decision by publishing a
     notice satisfying the following conditions:

     (a) The ballot is submitted during the voting period for the

     (b) The entity casting the ballot (the voter) was, at the
         initiation of the decision, a player.

     (c) The ballot clearly identifies the matter to be decided.

     (d) The ballot clearly identifies a valid vote, as determined by
         the voting method.

     (d) The ballot clearly sets forth the voter's intent to place the
         identified vote.

     (e) The voter has not publicly retracted the ballot during the
         voting period.  ("Changing" a vote is equivalent to
         retracting it and casting a vote with the new value.)

     (f) It is the most recent of the voter's otherwise-valid



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