As all of these are my fault, directly or indirectly, I transfer one paper to Aris for the purpose of pending the patch proposal outlined below.

This is a notice of honour {

+1 Aris for eir patching work
-1 Telnaior for being inactive


I cannot think of any patches that I think should be included, but I would like to submit a warning that without careful planning, some of the patches may conflict with GLatF. Please, we don't want other rules to fail because of a patch.

On 04/13/2018 01:48 AM, Aris Merchant wrote:
Okay, I'm going to write up a patch proposal. I'll take any reasonably
uncontroversial patches, whether in typed up form or just with a
description of the problem and a link to any previous discussion.

Things I'm aware of:

- Treasuror is undefined
- Welcome packages are undefined
- The 1 auction/5 auctions problem
- The thing where you can transfer things into a facility from everywhere

If I've missed anything, or you disagree with any of these, please let me know.


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