Machiavelli wrote:

==============================  CFJ 3304  ==============================

Given the result of CFJ 3303, I think CFJ 3304 seems straightforward. First, Registrar 
was vacant and Postulated. Next, scshunt made emself the holder of Registrar by 
announcement. Then, Rule 2276 flipped Registrar to Assumed. Thus, scshunt was the holder 
of Registrar when it was Postulated (albeit only for a single instant), and so he had 
"held an Assumed office continuously since the last time it was Postulated", 
allowing em to flip the office to Postulated. I judge TRUE.

I don't actually like the TRUE/TRUE verdict here, because I don't think it 
makes sense to allow arbitrary active first-class players to assume an office 
and then make it Postulated (and I don't think it makes sense to distinguish 
between Assumed and Postulated vacant offices), but I feel like a FALSE/FALSE 
verdict would be worse, and I don't see any grounds for a TRUE/FALSE verdict.

The grounds for TRUE/FALSE are that Rule 2276's "Upon doing so" is
simultaneous with scshunt making emself the holder; "an instant
after" only applies to multiple actions in a single message.  I don't
feel strongly enough to formally request reconsideration, though.

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