As I've been told in the context of Gerontocracy (which, BTW, was lifted by proposal 7519), the normal Agoran approach is to have fun with the unexpected new rules, rather than complain about them. But, as I understand, even though dictatorship isn't unprecedented around here, it tends to be associated with A LOT more drama than the usual "wins" which are strictly cosmetic. There tends to be a fair bit of counter-scamming, unfair judgements, people leaving Agora in a huff, and all that. There's something irritating about someone having absolute power over everyone, I guess. (In this case, that someone is a cat. Does that make it any better? She's quite fluffy you know.)

Well we don't need to look very far for counter-scams, since nothing prevents any other player from doing the exact same thing that I did. Nevermind any other place this type of issue could arise. The simplest solution was for there not to be any other players. Non-players can't create promises, for example.

And if there are no other players, nobody is qualified to judge (and there's no CotC) so that takes care of the crooked bench.

Finally, you can't leave Agora, seeing as you've already been thrown out. Which also means you're released, and so my cat doesn't actually have any power over you. All in all, this seems like the best solution, doesn't it?

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