On 5/23/23 03:09, secretsnail9 via agora-business wrote:
> A player CAN, by paying a fee of 5 brights, turn a specified rule Radiant,
> provided its power is less than 2. Each referenda on a proposal that would
> amend or repeal a Radiant rule has its Adoption Index increased to 2, if it
> is ever less than 2. The player that turned a rule Radiant CAN, by
> announcement, make it cease being Radiant.

Again, please do not make me track this.

Also, it is a dangerous game to attempt to evaluate what proposals would
do prospectively. Proposals can have conditionals that can't be
correctly evaluated until they take effect.

> A player CAN, by paying a fee of 5 brights, start a new cascade. A player
> CAN, by paying a fee of 3 brights, end a specified cascade. If a cascade
> was started 7 days ago and has not been ended, all brights are destroyed.

Having things happen automatically risks everyone forgetting. This
should require an announcement to make it take effect.

Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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