G. wrote:
> I submit the following Proposal, AI=3, "no fake CFJs needed":
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Amend Rule 2201 (Self-Ratification) by replacing this text:
>           3. Initiate an inquiry case regarding the truth of the claim
>              (if the subject is actually a matter of law), or cite a
>              relevant existing inquiry case.
> with this text:
>           3. Initiate a CFJ regarding the truth of the claim (if the
>              subject is actually a matter of law), or cite an existing
>              CFJ or other public process that has a reasonable
>              expectation of resolving the matter of controversy.
> [
> Inspired by this from Falsifian:
> > I respond to my own CoE by calling a CFJ: "In December, I flipped o's,
> > Bernie's and Rance's master switches to Agora". I intend to withdraw
> > that CFJ soon, but first I want to use it again for a similar CoE on
> > this week's report (to be published soon).
> The "cite an existing CFJ" requirement can lead to dummy CFJs with no
> purpose - e.g. i there's a Proposal that's fixing things, that could be
> cited too.  The "reasonable expectation" mirrors the language of R217.
> ]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Nitpick, but could we split the second half (from "cite an existing
CFJ...") out into a 4th list item? The paragraph 2201(2)(3) always seemed
a bit unwieldy when the other items in the list were only a few words, and
now that the part about citations doesn't even refer exclusively to the
"initiate a CFJ" situation, it makes even less sense to treat it as a
single option.


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