Maud wrote:

4932  AGAINST  <--  (I've missed some discussion.  Aren't these
4933  AGAINST  <--   attempting to do basically the same thing?)

The difference is whether an Excess CFJ that gets assigned may
still be refused.

4935  FOR      (Why ``contentiousness''?  I mean, I know why, but why?)
4936  FOR      (But you should have Red + Yellow = Mellow.)

Octarine + Red = Infrared
Octarine + Blue = Ultraviolet
Octarine + Yellow = Mellow

but we need enough complexity to justify a fourth primary bead color.

4939  PRESENT  (IADoP should be promoted to ``Director of Personnel''.)

No it shouldn't.

("Let's see ... drunk ... drunk ... I don't know what the technical term
is, but whipping it out in an elevator ... drunk ... drunk ... whipping
it out in an office. I was telling the elevator story at another job.")

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