On 6/15/22 03:13, Forest Sweeney via agora-business wrote:
> I submit the following proposal:
> {
> Title: Fix typo in Points
> Adoption Index: 1.0
> Author: 4st
> Co-author(s):
> Amend the rule "Points" by changing the sentence
> "If a least one player wins the game via such an
> announcement, all players' scores are set to their default."
> to
> "If at least one player wins the game via such an
> announcement, all players' scores are set to their default."
> }
> (Please, notice how it says 'a least' instead of 'at least')

This can be done with cleaning instead of a proposal.

Jason Cobb

Arbitor, Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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