H. Insulator, I believe this is the current status of Rests; I'm
removing the non-note-related parts from the Conductor's report:

comex - 6
ehird - 5
Murphy - 12
pikhq - 2
Quazie - 2
root - 1
Sgeo - 2
Taral - 2
w1n5t0n - 2

All other persons have no Rests.

Fri  9 Jan 01:28:24 - root gains 1 Rest from CFJ 2312.
Fri  9 Jan 02:07:33 - ehird gains 1 Rest from CFJ 2326.
Sat 17 Jan 20:58:44 - Taral gains 1 Rest from uncontested NoV
Thu 22 Jan 20:58:42 - Murphy gains 2 rests (R1868)
Fri 23 Jan 14:25:32 - comex spends FF#GGGGGAAbAb to destroy 6 of eir Rests
Fri 23 Jan 14:25:32 - AFO spends EE to destroy one of comex's Rests
Fri 23 Jan 14:32:24 - ehird spends CCC#F#GG# to destroy 3 of eir Rests
Sat 24 Jan 13:44:55 - comex gains 2 rests (R2169)
Sat 24 Jan 13:44:55 - ehird gains 2 rests (R2169)
Sat 24 Jan 13:44:55 - Quazie gains 2 rests (R2169)
Sat 24 Jan 13:44:55 - Sgeo gains 2 rests (R2169)
Sun 25 Jan 15:06:43 - w1n5t0n gains 1 rest (CFJ 2348)
Mon 26 Jan 02:54:51 - Wooble gains 4 rests (accepted NoVs)
Mon 26 Jan 08:26:53 - Taral gains 1 rest (accepted NoV)
Mon 26 Jan 23:23:02 - comex gains 2 rests (CFJ 2352)
Wed 28 Jan 09:37:04 - ais523 gains 1 rest (accepted NoV)
Wed 28 Jan 09:37:04 - ais523 spends C#D to destroy eir rest
Fri 30 Jan 00:18:16 - w1n5t0n gains 1 rest (uncontested NoV)
Fri 30 Jan 00:18:16 - comex gains 1 rest (uncontested NoV against Bayes)
Fri 30 Jan 00:18:16 - ehird gains 1 rest (uncontested NoV against Bayes)
Fri 30 Jan 00:54:40 - ehird gains 2 rests (uncontested NoV)
Sat 31 Jan 23:23:59 - ehird loses 4 rests (Fugitive)
Mon  2 Feb 15:06:10 - Wooble spends CCCCCCCC to destroy 4 of eir rests
Tue  3 Feb 16:56:22 - comex spends F#F# to destroy one of eir rests
Tue  3 Feb 16:56:22 - comex attempts to spend GGG#G#G#G#G#G# to destroy
                      4 of eir rests; fails (disputed; see CFJ2366)
Sat  7 Feb 16:23:05 - pikhq, ais523, comex, Murphy gain 2 rests each (AFO)
Sat  7 Feb 16:23:05 - Murphy gains 8 rests (uncontested NoVs)
Sat  7 Feb 18:45:32 - ais523 spends A#A#BB to destroy 2 Rests

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