[This is a draft based on our team’s Survivor entry. It’s a bit rough, not sure 
if some of the changes I made are worth the trouble, but better to get 
something out there and not keep sitting on it]

Title: Independence Day
Adoption Index: 3.0
Author: Gaelan
Co-authors: G., Telna, nix, CuddleBeam, cuddlybanana


  Amend Rule 1728 "Dependent Action Methods" to read as follows: { 

    A person CAN, by announcement, create an intent (syn. "table an
    intent", "intend") to perform a tabled action, conspicuously and
    without obfuscation specifying the action, the tabled action method
    (including non-default parameter values), and optionally,
    A person is a sponsor of an intent if e tabled it, or if e is
    authorized to perform its action due to holding a rule-defined
    position previously held by the person who tabled the intent.
    The decisionmakers for an intent default to all players,
    modifiable by the document enabling the action.  For a given
    tabled intent, a decisionmaker CAN, by announcement:
    * Become a supporter ("support" it), unless e tabled or previously
      supported it
    * Become an objector ("object to" it), unless e previously
      objected to it;
    * Cease to be a supporter or objector ("withdraw" support/objection)
    An intent is mature if it was tabled at least 4 days ago and nobody
    withdrew objections from it in the past 24 hours.
    An intent is ripe if was tabled within the past 14 days, it is
    not spent, the Speaker hasn't objected to it in the past 48 hours,
    and its conditions, if any, are met.
    A rule purporting to allow a person to perform an action (a "tabled
    action") using one of the following methods ("tabled action
    methods") allows em to do so by announcement, if, for that
    action/method combination:
    * Without N Objections, where N is a positive integer: e is a 
      sponsor of a mature ripe intent with less than N objectors.
    * With N Support, where N is a positive integer: e is a
      supporter of a ripe intent with at least N supporters.
    * With N Agoran Consent, where N is a positive integer multiple of
      0.1: e owns or supports a mature ripe intent with supporters
      greater than N times its objectors (e SHOULD list supporters and
    * With T notice: e owns a ripe intent created at least T ago.

    Upon eir doing so, the intent becomes spent.
    The parameters N and T, if omitted, default to "1" and "4 days"
    respectively (e.g. "without objection" means N=1). If a rule
    defines N as less than 1 or greater than 8, it is instead treated as
    1 or 8, respectively.


  Retitle Rule 1728 to "Tabled Actions".

  Repeal rules 2595 ("Performing a Dependent Action") and 2124 ("Agoran


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