I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, and the
valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote).

ID     Author(s)       AI   Title
7832+  Alexis          3.0  Quintessential Parameters
7833*  ais523          2.1  Agoran Festivals
7834*  ais523          3.0  Rush of Ribbons

The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals:

ID     Author(s)  AI   Title
pp1   nichdel, G. 2.0  Simple Economics

Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.
        <ID>+ : By publishing this report, I pend the marked proposal.

ID: 7832
Title: Quintessential Parameters
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Alexis

Amend Rule 1607 by replacing
  "the text of the proposal is an essential parameter"
  "the text, author, and coauthors of the proposal are essential parameters."

Amend Rule 1950 by replacing:

      An Agoran decision with an adoption index has the following
      essential parameters:

      a) Its adoption index.
      b) Its author (and co-authors, if any).

  "Adoption index is an essential parameter of an Agoran decision if
  that decision has an adoption index."
[Agoran decisions do not have coauthors or authors. Proposals do.]

ID: 7833
Title: Agoran Festivals
Adoption index: 2.1
Author: ais523

Create a new rule, "Festivals", power 2.1:
  Festivity is a singleton switch, whose possible values are integers
  ranging from 0 inclusive to the number of defined types of Ribbon
  exclusive, and defaulting to 0. While Agora's Festivity is 0, Festivity
  is tracked in the Tailor's monthly report. Otherwise, it is tracked in
  the Tailor's weekly report. Changes to Festivity are secured.

  If Agora's Festivity has had the same nonzero value for 14 days or
  more, any player may flip it to 0 by announcement.

  A player who owns at least N types of Ribbon may Start a Rank N
  Festival, where N is an integer greater than Agora's Festivity, with 4
  Support from players who own at least N types of Ribbon. Upon doing so,
  Agora's Festivity is flipped to N. Exception: A player may not do so if
  Agora's Festivity has had a value greater than or equal to N within the
  past 21 days.

  A person who owns a number of types of Ribbon equal to or greater than
  Agora's Festivity is known as Festive. Other persons are not Festive.
[The 4 support requirement is designed to ensure that there are at
least 5 Festive players at the start of the Festival. This is to
prevent scams by a group of heavily-decorated players. Additionally,
basing it entirely on Support makes it hard for a flood of new players
to interfere with it, and allows restrictions to be introduced near-
instantaneously and thus beat out any timing scam.

It's possible to extend a Festival via progressively starting new
Festivals of higher rank, until you reach a value too high for enough
players to have enough Ribbons.]

Create a new rule, "Festival Restrictions", power 2.1:
  While Agora's Festivity is nonzero, the following apply:

  (a) Non-Festive players are never considered Supporters of a dependent

  (b) Non-Festive players cannot flip the Imminence of any proposal;

  (c) Quorum for Agoran Decisions is equal to half the number of Festive
  players, rounded up;

  (d) Each Festive player has the maximum possible voting strength. All
  other players have the minimum possible voting strength.

  While Agora's Festivity is zero, the paragraphs above have no effect
  and are ignored.
[Things that Non-Festive players can still do: hold office; judge CFJs;
submit proposals for someone else to pend. In other words, they can
still largely participate, and in particular, they have just as much
ability to earn Ribbons (and thus become Festive) as other players do.]

ID: 7834
Title: Rush of Ribbons
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: ais523

Append the following paragraph to Rule 2438:
  Transparent (T): A person qualifies for a Transparent Ribbon while the
  number of other types of Ribbon that that person qualifies for and/or
  has earned within the previous 7 days is at least 5.

In rule 2438, amend "Gray (Y)" to "Gray (A)".
[This frees up Y for a potential Yellow ribbon in future, and A is also
pronounced much more similarly to Gray than Y is.]

ID: pp1
Title: Simple Economics
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: nichdel
Co-author(s): G.

Enact a new rule (P=2) titled "Economics" which reads:

       Agora, each player, and each organization have corresponding
       switches known as Balance switches. Each Balance switch's possible
       values are integers. Agora's Balance's default value is 1000. Each
       player and organization's Balance's default value is 0. The unit
       for Balance values is shiny (pl. shinies).

       If Agora, a player, or an organization (A) 'pays' X shinies to
       Agora, a player, or an organization (B), A's Balance is decreased
       by X and B's Balance is increased by X.

       Any player MAY pay Agora, any other player, or any organization
       any amount by announcement.

       Any organization CAN pay Agora, any player, or any other
       organization by announcement by a member of said organization,
       as specified in the charter of said organization.

       The Secretary CAN cause Agora to pay any player or organization by
       announcement if doing so is specified by a rule.

       Any attempt to pay a negative amount is INEFFECTIVE. Any attempt
       by a player or organization to pay that would make eir Balance
       less than 0 is INEFFECTIVE.

[It's intentional that Agora's balance can be negative, the next part
should clarify why. Also, this basically allows organizations to do
whatever they want with the currency. If this passes I'll do an
overhaul of organizations to remove budgets.]

Enact a new rule (P=1) titled "Payday" which reads:

       If Agora's Balance is not 0 or less, within the first 7 days of
       the month the Secretary SHALL cause Agora to pay each player 10
       plus another 10 for each office e holds.

       If Agora's Balance becomes 0 or less before every player is paid,
       the Secretary SHALL continue to cause Agora to pay until every
       player has been paid.

[This is simplistic, but we can flesh it out later. I imagine pay rates
being set during elections. Making sure everyone is paid makes
monopolies more difficult.]

Enact a new rule (P=1) titled "You can't take it with you" which reads:

       When a player is deregistered, e may specify another player, an
       organization, or Agora and pay all of eir Balance to the
       specified, within 1 day of deregistration. If e does not do so,
       eir Balance is paid to Agora.

[Simple enough, the shinies have to go somewhere, but you can specify
where. Could be given to an organization to hold until you reregister,
or some other shenanigans.]

Amend rule 2445 (How to Pend a Proposal) by making it read, in full:

       Imminence is a switch, tracked by the Promotor, possessed by
       proposals in the Proposal Pool, whose value is either "pending"
       or "not pending" (default).

       Pending List Price is an integer switch, tracked by the Promotor,
       whose default value is 5. At the beginning of every month, the
       Pending List Price is set to the mean of the price paid for each
       proposal pended in the previous month, rounded down. If less than
       2 proposals were pended in the previous month, the Pending List
       Price is set to its default.

       Any player MAY pay Agora a specified amount to flip a proposal's
       imminence to "pending" by announcement. If the specified amount is
       less than 9/10ths, rounded down, of the Pending List Price the
       attempt to pay is INEFFECTIVE and the proposal's imminence is not

[A weird pay-what-you want system, meant to roughly approximate an
auction. The price can go down, but it's far easier for it to go up.
The less than 2 limit makes it difficult to raise the price to insane
levels. In the future I'd like to do similar for Cards, and possibly
CFJs and Voting Power.]


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