I assume the office of Promotor, perform the following distribution, 
and then resign the office of Promotor:

This distribution of proposals 6960-6961 initiates the Agoran
Decisions on whether to adopt them.  The eligible voters are the
active players at the time of this distribution, and the vote
collector is the Assessor. The valid options on each decision are FOR
and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote). Each proposal is hereby
assigned the corresponding ID number listed with it.

 6960 O 1 3.0 G.                  Fix Proposal Power
 6961 O 1 3.0 G.                  52-pickup v2

chamber: O = Ordinary; D = Democratic
interest: 0-3 = interest index

Proposal ID numbers:
    highest orderly: 6961
    disorderly: none


Proposal 6960 (Ordinary, AI=3.0, Interest=1) by G.

Fix Proposal Power

Amend Rule 106 (Adopting Proposals) by replacing:
                                         When a proposal that includes
       such explicit changes takes effect, it applies those changes to
       the gamestate.
                                         When a proposal that includes
       such explicit changes takes effect, it applies those changes to
       the gamestate to the maximum extent POSSIBLE by an instrument of
       its power.

Amend Rule 2152 (Mother, May I?) by replacing:
       4. CAN:
       4. CAN, POSSIBLE:


Proposal 6961 (Ordinary, AI=3.0, Interest=1) by G.

52-pickup v2

[General repeal of 52 rules (I think!) to basic Democratic system.  
Adds one small new toy for the speaker.  Judicial untouched except for 
removing rests while leaving other punishments].

Repeal the following Rules in the order indicated:
  Rule 2186 (Power=2) Victory
  Rule 2245 (Power=1) Win by Not Losing
  Rule 2110 (Power=1) Win by Paradox
  Rule 2221 (Power=3) Cleanliness
  Rule 2223 (Power=1) Win by Junta
  Rule 2268 (Power=2) Entanglement
  Rule 2177 (Power=2) The Senate
  Rule 2319 (Power=3) Messy Statements
  Rule 2215 (Power=1) Truthiness
  Rule 2228 (Power=2) Rests
  Rule 2229 (Power=2) Just Resting
  Rule 2312 (Power=1.7) The Pariah
  Rule 2325 (Power=1) Zombies
  Rule 2296 (Power=1) Festival Days
  Rule 2227 (Power=1) Interest Index of Offices
  Rule 2196 (Power=3) Standard Classes of Agoran Decisions
  Rule 2222 (Power=2) Maximum Voting Limits
  Rule 2250 (Power=1) Officer's Proposals
  Rule 2267 (Power=1.5) Judge's Proposals
  Rule 2156 (Power=2) Voting on Ordinary Decisions
  Rule 2279 (Power=2) Voting Limits on Ordinary Decisions
  Rule 1450 (Power=2) Separation of Powers
  Rule 2134 (Power=2) Win by Clout
  Rule 2313 (Power=3) Urgent Proposals
  Rule 2317 (Power=1) Leet Leadership
  Rule 2281 (Power=3) Proposal Cleanup
  Rule 2224 (Power=1) Interest Index of Proposals
  Rule 2188 (Power=1) Win by Proposal
  Rule 2309 (Power=1) The Propose-O-Matic
  Rule 2322 (Power=1) Groups
  Rule 2246 (Power=2) Submitting a CFJ to the Justiciar
  Rule 2225 (Power=1.5) Interest Index of Judicial Cases
  Rule 2226 (Power=1.5) Judicial Rank
  Rule 2248 (Power=2) Second-Class Judges
  Rule 2282 (Power=2) Energy
  Rule 2289 (Power=2) Capacitors
  Rule 2295 (Power=2) Rewards
  Rule 2283 (Power=2) Fees
  Rule 2284 (Power=2) Fee-based actions
  Rule 2287 (Power=1) Props
  Rule 2293 (Power=1.7) Leadership Tokens
  Rule 2308 (Power=1) Contests
  Rule 2320 (Power=1) Auctions and the Default Auction Procedure
  Rule 2323 (Power=1) Fee-based auctions
  Rule 2321 (Power=1) Proposal Points
  Rule 1922 (Power=1) Defined Regular Patent Titles
  Rule 2314 (Power=2) The List of Succession
  Rule 2255 (Power=2) The Court
  Rule 402 (Power=2) Identity of the Speaker
  Rule 2316 (Power=1) Church and State
  Rule 2270 (Power=2) Coups D'etat
  Rule 2286 (Power=2) Veto and Rubberstamp

Create a power-2 Rule entitled "The President":

        The President is a second-class person.  The President CAN
        only take actions as explicitly described/caused by a Rule
        or other instrument of a power equal to or greater than the
        power of this Rule.

        A first-class Player CAN cause the President to take actions
        Without Objection, or with Agoran Consent.

Amend Rule 103 (Role of the Speaker) by changing its title to
"The Speaker" and amending it to read:

        The Speaker is an imposed office and a figurehead of Agora. The
        Speaker is a person who has proven themselves to be worthy of
        the title, and for a time can direct Agoran government affairs.

        The Speaker is the single first-class player (if any) who holds
        the most Postulated Offices.

        The Speaker CAN, by announcement, cause the President to take
        actions that are not otherwise IMPOSSIBLE, except for
        deregistration.  Causing the President to perform ILLEGAL actions
        in this manner is the Class-6 crime of Misleading the Leader.

Amend Rule 1868 (Judge Assignment Generally) by replacing
        The entities qualified to be assigned as judge of a judicial
        case are the active players who have not previously been
        assigned as its judge, subject to modification by other rules.
        Being unqualified to be assigned as a judge does not inherently
        prevent an entity from continuing to be judge of a case to which
        e is already assigned.
        The entities qualified to be assigned as judge of a judicial
        case are the active first-class players who have not previously been
        assigned as its judge, subject to modification by other rules.
        Being unqualified to be assigned as a judge does not inherently
        prevent an entity from continuing to be judge of a case to which
        e is already assigned.  Rules to the contrary notwithstanding,
        second-class players are always unqualified to judge.

Set the citizenship of The President to Registered.

Amend Rule 1950 (Voting on Democratic Decisions) to read:

       An Agoran decision with an adoption index is a Democratic

       An Agoran decision with an adoption index has the following
       essential parameters:

       a) Its adoption index.
       b) Its author (and co-authors, if any).

       For any Agoran decision with an adoption index, the available
       options are FOR and AGAINST.

       The eligible voters on a democratic decision are those entities
       that were active first-class players at the start of its voting
       period.  The voting limit of each eligible voter on a democratic
       decision is one.

Amend Rule 1607 (The Promotor) to read:

       The Promotor is an office; its holder is responsible for
       receiving and distributing proposals.

       Distributability is switch possessed by proposals in the
       proposal pool, tracked by the Promotor, with values
       Distributable (default) and Undistributable.

       The Promotor CAN distribute a proposal which is in the Proposal
       Pool at any time.  In a given Agoran week, the Promotor SHALL,
       as part of eir weekly duties, distribute any proposal that is in
       the Proposal Pool and was Distributable at the beginning of that
       Agoran week.  The Promotor SHALL NOT distribute an
       Undistributable proposal.

       Distributed proposals have ID numbers, to be assigned by the

       The Promotor's report includes a list of all proposals in the
       Proposal Pool.

Amend Rule 2230 (Notices of Violation) by removing:
       If a NoV is Uncontested and was published at least four days
       ago, any player CAN cause it to become Closed by announcement.
       Any player CAN cause a NoV specifying em as Accused to become
       Closed by announcement. When a NoV becomes Closed, a number of
       Rests are created in the possession of the Accused equal to the
       Class of the specified Crime, or in its absence the Power of the
       violated rule, rounded up.  If a Closed NoV becomes Contested,
       these Rests remain, but CAN be later destroyed by judicial
       processes as described elsewhere.

Amend Rule 1504 (Criminal Cases) by removing:
       When a judicial question on culpability is judged after a number
       of rests have been created in the Accused's possession due to
       the associated notice, those rests are destroyed.
and by removing:
       * SILENCE with a positive number less than 15 (X). If a
         judgement of SILENCE has been in effect continuously for one
         week (or longer), any player CAN once create a number of Rests
         equal to X in the possession of the ninny, by announcement.

Amend Rule 2277 (Appeals of Criminal Cases) by removing:
       If a verdict or sentence that led to the creation of Rests is
       overruled, remanded, or reassigned, the Rests are still
       considered to have been created, but any player CAN destroy any
       Rests thus created by announcement.


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