On 30/08/16 22:07, Kerim Aydin wrote:

I initiate an Agoran Decision to determine the new Reportor.
The valid options are the players, the vote collector is the
ADoP, and the voting method is instant runoff.

The voting period of the above Decision has been prolonged, so I hereby publish the required public reminder to all eligible voters except G. and me.

Thanks to o's and nichdel's voted, the Decision no longer fails quorum and the outcome seems to be pretty clear, so I end its voting period.

I resolve the Agoran Decision cited above.

G.       nichdel [1]
aranea   nichdel [2]
o        nichdel
nichdel  nichdel [3]

[1] "I cast a conditional vote, of a list consisting of each player
     who unambiguously, unconditionally, and clearly includes emself in
     eir vote in this election, ordered in the temporal order they vote
     in (earliest highest).  If Nichdel is not in this set, Nichdel
     is added as the last option in my vote."
[2] "ENDORSE G."
[3] "I cast my vote as a list consisting of the first player who does
     not hold an office who votes for emself and myself, in that order."

Voters: 4
Quorum: 4

Outcome: nichdel


Congrats to our new Reportor! I'm looking forward to your articles. If the job turns out to be too much of a hassle, just say so; we could change the Newspaper frequency from weekly to monthly or just repeal the rule for now.


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