After submission, I make the following three proposals distributable as part 
of Fearmongor duties.

I submit the following proposal, "Whoever wants to", AI-2, II-0:
    Repeal Rule 1868.

I submit the following proposal, "Any Case" AI-1.7, II-0:
    Amend Rule 2318 by deleting "non-"

I submit the following proposal, "ID ego ID", AI=Mutable, II-0:
Enact the following Rule, entitled "ID Numbers":

       If a rule defines a type of entity as having ID numbers, then:

       (a) Whenever an instance of that type does not have an ID
           number, the player held responsible by that rule SHALL
           assign an ID number to it by announcement as soon as

       (b) Such an assignment is INVALID unless the number is a natural
           number (expressed as a decimal literal with at most 14
           digits) distinct from any ID number previously assigned to
           an entity of that type, and ILLEGAL unless the number is one
           greater than the greatest ID number so assigned.

       (c) Once assigned, an ID number cannot be changed.

       (d) If an instance of that type has an ID number, then its name
           is the combination of its type and ID number.  Otherwise, it
           has no name.


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