IADoP's Report Report

Date of last report:  Thu 19 Feb 2009
Date of this report:  Tue 24 Mar 2009
(All times are UTC)

Recent Events  <events prior to 15-Mar-09 not recorded in this report>

DATE        OFFICE      ACTIVITY           DETAILS
13 Mar 09   IADoP       voting began       option  Goethe.
13 Mar 09   Conductor   voting began       option  comex.
13 Mar 09   Accountor   voting began       option  Wooble.
13 Mar 09   Herald      voting began       options Sgeo, Yally, Goethe.
13 Mar 09   Tailor      voting began       options Wooble, ais523.
13 Mar 09   Anarchist   voting began       options ehird, Yally, Tiger.
15 Mar 09   IADoP       Proposal 6129      installed Goethe.
15 Mar 09   IADoP       decision resolved  selected and installed Goethe.
15 Mar 09   Conductor   decision resolved  selected and installed comex.
15 Mar 09   Accountor   decision resolved  selected and installed Wooble.
15 Mar 09   Assessor    nominations opened
17 Mar 09   Promotor    nominations opened
17 Mar 09   IADoP       nominations opened
17 Mar 09   11 nomination periods begun by ehird nominating Wooble 
            "for every office" e could.
24 Mar 09   Herald      decision resolved  selected and installed Goethe.
24 Mar 09   Tailor      decision resolved  selected and installed Wooble.
24 Mar 09   Anarchist   decision resolved  selected and installed Tiger.
24 Mar 09   11 null elections resolved (no nominees).
24 Mar 09   Assessor    voting began       options comex, Murphy
24 Mar 09   Promotor    voting begain      options coppro, PNP
24 Mar 09   Assessor    decision resolved  selected and installed Murphy

Office         Holder     Since     Election[*]  II  Priority  Long Svc
Accountor      Wooble      8 Feb 09   15 Mar 09   1   low**        
Ambassador     ais523     12 Jan 09    8 Jan 09   1   low**         3
Anarchist      Tiger      16 Feb 09   24 Mar 09   1   high
Assessor       Murphy     16 Feb 09      voting   2   high
Conductor      comex      15 Mar 09   15 Mar 09   3   high
CotC           Murphy     23 Jan 08    3 Feb 09   3   high         12
Grand Poobah   OscarMeyr   2 Sep 08    1 Dec 08   1   high          6
Herald         Goethe     24 Mar 09   24 Mar 09   1   low**         
IADoP          Goethe     15 Mar 09   15 Mar 09   1   low**        
Insulator      Murphy      8 Feb 09    4 Feb 09   1   high
Notary         ais523      8 Feb 09    2 Feb 09   3   high
Promotor       PNP        22 Aug 08      voting   2   high          6
Registrar      Taral       8 Feb 09    3 Feb 09   1   high
Rulekeepor     comex      23 Aug 08   11 Feb 09   2   high          6
Scorekeepor    Taral       2 Dec 08   20 Nov 08   1   high**        3
Speaker        ais523***   5 Jan 09         N/A   1   low
Tailor         Wooble     24 Mar 09   24 Mar 09   1   low**

*   - not including null elections
**  - priority is rules-defined; others are from CFJs 2359-60
*** - some win events possibly not reflected here

Office         Monthly Report or Duty        Last published
Accountor      assets                        Mon 16 Mar    
Ambassador     Foreign Relations             Fri 13 Mar
Ambassador     Update NomicWiki              Fri 13 Mar      
Grand Poobah   Caste cycling                 Sun  1 Mar
Herald         Patent Titles                 Sat 28 Feb+
IADoP          Offices                       <as of this message> 
Notary         Contract Text and Parties     Tue  3 Mar
Rulekeepor     Full Logical Ruleset          Sun  1 Mar
Scorekeepor    Reward contestmasters         Sun  8 Mar [subject to CFJ]
Speaker        Assign prerogatives           Sun 22 Feb+
Tailor         Ribbons                       Mon  2 Feb+

Office         Weekly Report or Duty         Last published
Anarchist      Propose repeals               Sun 22 Mar+
Assessor       Emergency Sessions            Sun 15 Mar*
Conductor      Notes                         Fri 20 Mar+ 
CotC           Cases, Posture, Tariffs       Thu 19 Mar+
Grand Poobah   Castes                        Tue 10 Mar*
Insulator      Rests                         Sun 15 Mar*
Notary         List of Contracts             Sun 22 Mar
Promotor       Proposal Pool                 Sun 22 Mar+
Promotor       Distribution                  Sun 22 Mar+
Registrar      Players, Fora                 Sun 22 Mar+
Rulekeepor     Short Logical Ruleset         Thu 19 Mar+ 
Scorekeepor    Scores                        Sun 22 Mar+ 

                                          + = due   * = late   

             === Office of IADoP ===

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