I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it. For this decision, the vote collector
is the Assessor, and the valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is
also a valid vote).

ID     Author(s)           AI   Title
7791* ais523              1.2  Lockout
7792+ ais523              1.0  Invoking Lockout

The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals:

ID     Author(s)           AI   Title
pp1    ais523, aranea, G.  1.2  Organizations

Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending
        <ID>+ : By publishing this report, I pend the marked proposal

The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.


ID: 7791
Title: Lockout
Adoption index: 1.2
Author: ais523

Create a new Power-1 rule, "The Secretary":

      The Secretary is an office. The Secretary's weekly report

      a) A list of which persons are on Personal Lockout.
      b) The time at which each person on Personal Lockout comes off
      c) Whether Agora is on Global Lockout, and if so, when it ends.

Create a new Power-1.2 rule, "Lockout":

      There is such a thing as a Lockout Event, which can happen
      either to a person or to Agora as a whole. Lockout Events only
      happen when a Rule with power 1 or greater explicitly states
      that they happen.

      A person is on Personal Lockout if a Lockout Event happened to
      that person within the past 90 days.

      Agora is on Global Lockout if a Lockout Event happened to Agora
      as a whole within the past 7 days.

      A person is on Lockout if that person is on Personal Lockout,
      Agora is on Global Lockout, or both. A person is "off Lockout"
      if that person is not on Lockout.


ID: 7792
Title: Invoking Lockout
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: ais523

Create a new Power-1 rule, "Invoking Lockout":

      A player who is not on Lockout can Invoke Lockout by

      When a player Invokes Lockout, a Lockout Event happens to that
      player and a Lockout Event happens to Agora as a whole.


ID: pp1
Title: Organizations
Adoption index: 1.2
Author: ais523
Co-author(s): aranea, G.

If there is no rule "Lockout", ignore the rest of this proposal.

Append the following to the rule "The Secretary":

      d) A list of all Organizations and their Income.
      e) Each player's Expenditure.

      The Secretary's monthly report includes:
      a) Each Organization's Charter.

Create a new Power-1.2 rule, "Organizations":

      An Organization is a type of entity. The following changes are
      secured: creating, modifying, or destroying an Organization; and
      causing an entity to become an Organization or cease to be an

      Budget is a switch belonging to (Organization, player) pairs
      (i.e. there is one instance of the switch for each combination
      of an Organization and a player), tracked by the Secretary,
      whose legal values are integers from 0 to 100 inclusive,
      defaulting to 0. An Organization's Income is the total value of
      all Budget switches for pairs that include that Organization. A
      player's Expenditure is the total value of all Budget switches
      for pairs that include that player. Changes to Budget are

      A "member" of an Organization is a player for which the pair
      consisting of that Organization and that player has a nonzero

      It is IMPOSSIBLE, by any means, for a player to become a member
      of an Organization, or for an organization to be created with a
      player as a member, without that player's explicit, willful
      consent. This rule takes precedence over any rule that might
      make such a change possible.

Create a new Power-1.2 rule, "Organizational Restructuring":

      Charter is an Organization switch, tracked by the Secretary in
      eir monthly report, whose legal values are texts, and with
      default value "An amendment to this Organization is Appropriate
      if intent to perform it was announced between 4 and 14 days ago,
      and no members of the Organization have publicly objected to it

      A change to an instance of a Budget or Charter switch is known
      as an "amendment" to the Organization to which that instance of
      the switch applies. Each amendment to an Organization is
      considered to be either Appropriate or Inappropriate. An
      Organization's Charter SHOULD contain a method of determining
      the appropriateness of amendments to that Organization.

      If a Charter does not specify the appropriateness of an
      amendment to its Organization, or if it attempts to specify the
      appropriateness of such an amendment but in a way that is
      unclear, ambiguous, circular, inconsistent, paradoxical, or that
      depends on information that is impossible or unreasonably
      difficult to determine, the amendment is Inappropriate;
      otherwise, it is Appropriate if and only if the Charter
      specifies that it is.

      Organizations can be amended as follows:

      a) A member of an Organization CAN flip that Organization's
         Charter by announcement, if doing so is Appropriate, and that
         member is not on Lockout.
      b) Any player CAN flip a Budget Switch by announcement, if doing
         so is Appropriate and the player is not on Lockout, except
         where other rules prevent this.
      c) A member of an Organization CAN flip that Organization's
         Charter without objection, even if doing so is Inappropriate,
         as long as that member is not on Lockout. Players SHOULD only
         use this mechanism to recover from situations where the
         Charter is underspecified or has unintended effects.

Create a new Power-1.2 rule, "Death and Birth of Organizations":

      If an Organization's Income is ever lower than 50, then any
      player CAN destroy it by announcement. The Secretary SHALL NOT
      allow an Organization to exist with Income below 50 for more
      than a week.

      If player's Expenditure is 50 or lower, and that player is not
      on Lockout, that player CAN create an Organization by
      announcement, specifying a name for that Organization that is
      unique among Organizations, and a Charter. When an organization
      is created that way, its Charter is set to the value that the
      player specified, and the Budget switch for that player and
      Organization is set to 50.

      Notwithstanding the above, a player CANNOT create more than one
      Organization in a day, and CANNOT create Organizations while e
      is member of an Organization with an Income lower than 50. 

Create a new Power-1.2 rule, "Bankruptcy":

      While a player's Expenditure exceeds 100, then any player CAN
      cause that player to become Bankrupt by announcement. The
      Secretary SHALL NOT allow any player's Expenditure to exceed 100
      for more than a week.

      When a player becomes Bankrupt:
      a) All Budget switches for pairs including that player are
         flipped to 0.
      b) The Secretary CAN, and SHALL in a timely manner, award that
         player a Red Card.
      c) A Lockout Event happens to that player.

If any entity is an Organization, it ceases to be an Organization.


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