I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it. For this decision, the vote collector
is the Assessor, and the valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is
also a valid vote).

ID     Author(s)  AI   Title
7818+  ais523     1.0  Make Spending Power More Useful
7819+  Alexis     1.0  Legislating Convention

The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals:

ID     Author(s)  AI   Title
pp1*   Alexis     3.0  This One's A Scam

Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending
        <ID>+ : By publishing this report, I pend the marked proposal

The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.


ID: 7818
Title: Make Spending Power More Useful
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: ais523

In rule 2445, replace the following paragraph:

      A player can flip a proposal's imminence to "pending" by
      announcement, unless e has already done so a number of times
      that week that equals or exceeds the total spending power of the
      offices e holds.


      A player can flip a proposal's imminence by announcement, unless
      e has already done so a number of times that week that equals or
      exceeds the total spending power of the offices e holds.


ID: 7819
Title: Legislating Convention
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Alexis

Enact a new power-1 rule entitled "Address" reading "A person SHALL
NOT, in any public or discussion forum, refer to another person in
third person using any singular pronoun other than "e", "eir", "em",
or "emself".


ID: pp1
Title: This One's A Scam
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Alexis

Enact a new rule of power 3 entitled "Dictatorship" reading as follows:

      A Decree is a document clearly labeled as such. The Dictator
      CAN, With Notice, proclaim a Decree. When a Decree is
      proclaimed, then:
         1) its power is set to 3,
         2) it takes effect by applying, to the greatest extent
      permitted by the rules, the changes specified in its text to the
            game state, and then,
         3) its power is set to 0.

Enact a new rule of power 3 entitled "The Dictator" reading as follows:
      Alexis is the Dictator.


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