I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it. For this decision, the vote collector
is the Assessor, and the valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is
also a valid vote).

ID     Author(s)  AI   Title
7802*  ais523     1.0  Promotion Points
7803*  G.         2.0  Self-service judiciary
7804+  nichdel    3.0  Fixed Easier Deputisation
7805+  nichdel    1.0  The Reportor

The proposal pool is currently empty.

Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending
        <ID>+ : By publishing this report, I pend the marked proposal

The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.


ID: 7802
Title: Promotion Points
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: ais523

Create a new Power-1 rule "Promotion Points" with the following text:

      The Scorekeepor is an office.

      Promotion Points (PP for short) is a player switch, tracked by
      the Scorekeepor, whose values are the nonnegative integers and
      whose default value is 0. To "gain x PP" is "to have one's PP
      switch flipped to increase its value by x".

      Whenever a proposal is distributed, its author and each of its
      coauthors gain 3 PP. Whenever a proposal is adopted, its author
      and each of its coauthors gain 2 PP.

      Whenever at least one player has a PP switch of 100 or more, the
      Scorekeepor CAN, and SHALL in a timely manner, Promote Victory
      by announcement. This causes all players with a PP switch of 100
      or more to win the game, and all PP switches to be flipped to
      their default value.


ID: 7803
Title: Self-service judiciary
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: G.

Amend Rule 991 (Calls for Judgement) by appending the following
sentence to the final paragraph:

      If a CFJ has no judge assigned, then any player eligible to
      judge that CFJ CAN assign it to emself Without 3 Objections.


ID: 7804
Title: Fixed Easier Deputisation
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: nichdel

Replace the text of rule 2160 with the following text:

      A rule which purports to allow a person (a deputy) to perform an
      action via normal deputisation or special deputisation for an
      office thereby allows them to perform the action as if e held
      the office, as long as

        (a) it would be POSSIBLE for the deputy to perform the action,
            other than by deputisation, if e held the office, and

        (b) the deputy, when performing the action, announces that e
            is doing so by the appropriate form of deputisation.

      Only this rule may allow normal deputisation. Any rule may allow
      special deputisation.

      A player CAN perform an action as if e held a particular office,
      via normal deputisation, if all of the following are true:

        (a) The rules require the holder of that office, by virtue of
            holding that office, to perform the action. This
            requirement is fulfilled by the deputy performing the

        (b) A time limit by which the rules require the action to be
            performed has expired.

        (c) Either (i) the office is vacant; or (ii) the
            aforementioned time limit expired more than fourteen days
            ago; or (iii) the deputy announced between two and
            fourteen days earlier that e intended to deputise for that
            office for the purposes of the particular action.

      When a player deputises via normal deputisation for an elected
      office, e becomes the holder of that office.


ID: 7805
Title: The Reportor
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: nichdel

Replace the text of rule 2446 'The Agoran Newspaper' with:

      The Reportor is an office.

      The Reportor's weekly report includes:

         a) A suitable name for a newspaper, at the Reportor's

         b) A description of events that have happened since the last
            report that the Reportor believes significant or

         c) Any editorialization or other pieces of Agora-related
            information the Reportor pleases, as long as it is neither
            i) factually incorrect nor ii) disrespectful to any person
            or Agora itself.

      While meeting these requirements, the Reportor may format eir
      report however e pleases.

      The Reportor should keep in mind that the goal of eir weekly
      report is to create a more informed population.


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