OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 31 Mar 2021

2021-03-31 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 31 Mar 2021

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide
   * Regulation  RA0: Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees
   * Regulation  RA1: General Enforcement Policies
   * Regulation  RA2: Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports
   * Regulation  RA3: Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/1
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
  * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
any information listed above from the initiation message of
auctions using that method.
  * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
bid of another player.
  * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
  * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
  * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
  * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
using that method.
  * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
  * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL after the ending of that
auction create a public message (henceforth the
"termination message") that contains a full history of bids
on the auction and withdrawals from the auction. It should
also clearly indicate each awardee and the lot e recieves.
  * During the period from the end of the auction until 7 days
after the publication of the termiation message, each
awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
winning bid.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 28 Mar 2021


Regulation AM1/0
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
submitted the Nth-highest bid in the set of all funded,
non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM2/0
Sealed-bid Auctions

  Sealed-bid auctions function like generalized auctions except:
  * Players can only submit bids on a sealed-bid auction if they do
not have a bid in that auction.
  * Bids must be 

OFF: [Notary] The Notes (pledges & promises)

2021-03-31 Thread ATMunn via agora-official

This is a continuation of the Notary's weekly report. Information about
contracts can be found in a separate message.


24 Mar 2021: ATMunn cashed the promise Jason gave em
24 Mar 2021: nix cashed the promise Jason gave em
24 Mar 2021: Jason granted ATMunn a promise
24 Mar 2021: Jason granted nix a promise
-- time of last report --
21 Mar 2021: Jason made the pledge "General objection"
-- 2 reports ago --
11 Mar 2021: The pledge "You can make it happen, R. Lee!" expired
-- 3 reports ago --
09 Mar 2021: Aris cashed the promise e created
09 Mar 2021: Aris created a promise
06 Mar 2021: The pledge "Referee Electoral Pledge" expired
01 Mar 2021: The pledge "CFJ annotations please" expired
28 Feb 2021: G. cashed the promise "Neverending PRESENT"[1]
28 Feb 2021: G. created the promise "Neverending PRESENT"

[1] The promise purports to create another promise upon cashing and then
immediately cash that new promise; the effectiveness of this is


If any pledge(s) has/have no name currently, I assign it/them the
name(s) displayed in this report.

The following 3 pledges exist:

"Keeping secrecy" created by Gaelan
Time of creation: 03 Feb 07:33 2021
Time window:  until April 1, 2021
Time of expiry:   01 Apr 00:00 2021

I pledge not to reveal any information I may have gained due to people
assuming I joined this contract before I did. The time window for this
pledge is until April 1, 2021.

"Rational dictatorship" created by G.
Time of creation: 03 Feb 15:22 2021
Time window:  60 days
Time of expiry:   04 Apr 15:22 2021

I pledge that I will not use the G.ravity regulations to
manipulate any office holding other than Prime Minister and possibly
Speaker.  Doing so to other offices would be stupid.

"General objection" created by Jason
Time of creation: 21 Mar 17:47 2021
Time window:  14 days
Time of expiry:   04 Apr 17:47 2021

For the next 14 days, I pledge not to withdraw any objections made in
this message.

=== PROMISES ===

If any promise(s) has/have no name currently, I assign it/them the
name(s) displayed in this report.

The following 34 promises exist:

"Treasure" created by omd
Bearer: the Lost and Found Department

I pay 200 coins to the bearer

"Legislative for Justice v2" created by Murphy
Bearer: the Library

Cashing conditions: The bearer has transferred or granted Murphy one
Legislative Card in the same message as which e cashes this promise, and
has not cashed any other promise between doing so and cashing this
promise, and Murphy has at least one Justice Card.

I transfer one Justice Card to the bearer.

"Legislative for Voting v2" created by Murphy
Bearer: the Library

Cashing conditions: The bearer has transferred or granted Murphy one
Legislative Card in the same message as which e cashes this promise, and
has not cashed any other promise between doing so and cashing this
promise, and Murphy has at least one Voting Card.

I transfer one Voting Card to the bearer.

6 instances of the following promise exist:

"ROLL INITIATIVE" created by G.
Bearer: the Library

I (G.) transfer 10 coins to Cuddlebeam for the purpose of voting for the
AGORA QUEST option specified in this message by the bearer, provided the

OFF: [Notary] The Notes (contracts)

2021-03-31 Thread ATMunn via agora-official

I publish the following report:

   ██   ██ ███   ███   ██  █   ███  ██
 ████   ██ ██  ██ ██   ██████  ██
 █████ █ ██ ██ ██ ██   ██████
 ████   ██ ████   ██   ██████   ██
 ████   ██ ███   ██   ███  █ █████ ██

 -~= Notary's weekly report =~-

   ~~ contracts do still exist btw ~~

All times and dates in this report are given in Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC).

Date of last report: 24 Mar 2021
Date of this report: 31 Mar 2021

Abbreviations used in this report:

P.S.S. | Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
CB | Cuddlebeam
con.   | contract

If any contract(s) have no name currently, I assign it/them the name(s)
displayed in this report.


Contracts marked with an asterisk (*) are charities.

 Title   Parties
"The Dragon Corporation"  Aris, Jason, Falsifian
"TPP"[1]  CB, R. Lee, G., Bögtil, Jason, Falsifian, Aris
"LoAFER"[2]Trigon, Jason, R. Lee, ATMunn
"Co Dependents"   R. Lee
"Cuddlebeam's Locker" Cuddlebeam
"Contract No. 1: GIFT"Trigon, R. Lee
"Contract No. 2: POEM"Trigon, R. Lee, ATMunn
"Contract No. 3: CARD"R. Lee
"Contract No. 5: DECK"Trigon, R. Lee, ATMunn
"Contract No. 6: BOON"Trigon
"SEAMSTRESS"[3]   Trigon, nix, Jason
"Dragon QuickExchange" Falsifian
"Obstruction 2: Electric Boogaloo"R. Lee
"SNOCS"[4]   omd, ATMunn, R. Lee, Gaelan
"Dragon Political Outreach" Falsifian, Jason
"The Bank"ATMunn
"The Platonic Parrot"ATMunn, omd, R. Lee, Cuddlebeam
"I bet that was written by G."   omd, ATMunn
"The Contract Awards: The Contract"   ATMunn
* "Agoran Press" Falsifian, Lucidiot, Murphy, Gaelan
"Team Margaux"  Gaelan, Nathan, R. Lee, shelvacu, Cuddlebeam
"The Splat Market"Gaelan, ATMunn, nix, Jason
"The Supertask Experiment"Nathan
"The Supertask Experiment Redux"  Nathan
"Humble Agoran Farming"   Cuddlebeam, Trigon, Falsifian, Gaelan, ... [5]
"The Orchard"  ATMunn, Falsifian, Trigon, Cuddlebeam, Jason, ... [6]
"FIAA"[7]  Aris, Trigon, ATMunn, nix, Cuddlebeam
"Boatloans"   Gaelan
"Secret Dealings"   Aris, Cuddlebeam
"Agorans for a Democratic Society"   Aris, Jason, Trigon, Gaelan, ATMunn
"Intent Assassin" Cuddlebeam
"Obstructive Pooling"  Falsifian, Jason, nix

[1] The Plunder Partnership
[2] League of Agorans Facilitating Effective Recordkeeping
[3] Signature Enthusiast Allows Modification of Signature Through
Rigorous Exchanging of Signature Suggestions
[4] Simple, No-Opportunity-Cost Sets
[5] also Aris, Murphy, Lucidiot
[6] also Gaelan, Murphy, Lucidiot
[7] Food Industry Association of Agora


-- time of last report --
-- 2 reports ago --
-- 3 reports ago --
-- 4 reports ago --
07 Feb 2021: Gaelan destroyed "Can Zombies Read?"
07 Feb 2021: Gaelan destroyed "Somewhat Annoying Experiment"
07 Feb 2021: Gaelan destroyed "The Agoran Underground Betting Ring"
07 Feb 2021: Gaelan destroyed "GRBaSTttPF"
06 Feb 2021: nix became a party to "Obstructive Pooling"
06 Feb 2021: Jason became a party to "Obstructive Pooling"
06 Feb 2021: Falsifian created "Obstructive Pooling"
06 Feb 2021: Jason became a party to "The Splat Market"
04 Feb 2021: Cuddlebeam amended "Intent Assassin"
04 Feb 2021: