On 7/19/21 5:39 PM, nix via agora-official wrote:
> The Intellectual Meme Complex lost last week, and had to vote to remove
> a member. Votes are as follows:
> 1 vote for cuddlybanana.
> 2 votes for Cuddlebeam.
> 2 votes for Gaelan.
> As there is a tie, both Gaelan and Cuddlebeam have been voted off. They
> are now ghosts.
> Onto the next part of our show...
> Except for the sudden and surely painful death of Cuddlebeam and Gaelan
> via a quick sand trap, the game of golf was actually quite pleasant.
> Both teams performed extremely well, and are surely self-satisfied. As
> you finish hole 18, you notice something in a bush right outside the
> green. Is that... a nondescript spring holiday festive egg? You walk
> over and crack it open. Gross, your hands are covered in yolk now. In
> the yolk you notice a small piece of paper. It says:
> --------------------
> --------------------
> The team that turns in an answer sheet worth the most total points is
> immune.
> The Answer Key is a document, to be published at the end of the round,
> with the following sha1sum: 94ea23e0ed172a736d9433b6804ad2d04934b28f
> Each question has a prompt and lists how many N and, for some, how many
> C points it is worth. N points are earned by having an answer that
> either matches the answer or the Answer Key or is equally or more valid
> than that answer. C points are earned by having an answer that is more
> valid than the other teams'. Points are listed as N(+Cc) For instance,
> if a prompt has a superlative such as "the earliest", then teams can
> earn N points by having a verifiable answer earlier than the one on the
> Answer Key. If one team has an earlier answer than the other, then they
> also earn C points. Judgments on answer validity are up to the Host, who
> should be as fair as possible. Teams are encouraged to provide evidence
> for their answers to help ensure they are considered fairly.
> 1. [1] This CFJ's ruling contains a recipe for a baked good.
> 2. [1] The player with the most wins, not counting multiple wins at once.
> 3. [3+1c] The earliest use of the word "platonic" in reference to Agora.
> 4. [5] The Move in which players debate whether the game ends when
> someone wins. Hint: Not Agora, but the last game.
> 5. [1+5c] The text of the earliest CFJ that is retrievable.
> 6. [3+3c] The highest prime number bid on a Victory Auction ever placed
> and not withdrawn.
> 7. [1+2c] The number of members of the contract with the most members,
> at the time this is turned in. (C points go to the correct answer with
> highest number)
> 8. [2+1c] The rule, current or former, that has received the most
> amendments.
> 9. [3+5c] List every currently active, public game that describes itself
> as a nomic. Game must have existed before this challenge began.
> --------------------
> --------------------
> --
> nix
> Webmastor, Ministor, Herald
First Clarifying Letter for Second Sealed Letter

On question 9:

- To be active a nomic must have had play or discussion at the place where it 
is played within the last month. Play or discussion by the players of this 
tournament does not count.
- Answers must have the same number or more entries that meet the above 
criteria to count for the non-competitive points. Does not need to be the same 
set of nomics.
- If teams do not provide evidence that a listed nomic is both active and 
describes itself as a nomic, it might not be counted regardless of theoretical 


Webmastor, Ministor, Herald

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