The below CFJ is 3824.  I assign it to G.


===============================  CFJ 3824  ===============================

      It is generally POSSIBLE, assuming all other conditions for
      deputisation are met, for a person to deputize to publish a weekly
      report by publishing a report accurate as of a date one year


Caller:                        Alexis

Judge:                         G.



Called by Alexis:                                 09 Mar 2020 23:48:47
Assigned to G.:                                   [now]


Caller's Arguments:

The obligation to continually maintain information in a report is one held
only by the officer, separate from the obligation to actually publish the
report. Per CFJ 3798's logic, the obligation that the report be up-to-date
is a part of the maintenance obligation and not of the general publication
obligation. It thus follows that a completely out-of-date report would
still qualify.


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