OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 9111-9113
RESOLUTION OF PROPOSALS 9111-9113 = IDTitleResult --- 9111 Resolve The Paradox ADOPTED 9112 What's a crime? ADOPTED 9113 No apathetic apathy REJECTED I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals. The quorum for all below decisions was 6. VOTING STRENGTHS Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted. #: player has voting strength 3 $: player has voting strength 4 %: player has voting strength 5 ^: player has voting strength 6 PROPOSALS = PROPOSAL 9111 (Resolve The Paradox) AUTHOR: ais523 CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (8): Jaff, Janet^, Murphy%, Yachay Wayllukuq, ais523%, juan$, snail^, wunst AGAINST (0): PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 8 AI (F/A): 35/0 (AI=2.2) POPULARITY: 1.000 OUTCOME: ADOPTED PROPOSAL 9112 (What's a crime?) AUTHOR: Murphy CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (8): Jaff, Janet^, Murphy%, Yachay Wayllukuq, ais523%, juan$, snail^, wunst AGAINST (0): PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 8 AI (F/A): 35/0 (AI=1.7) POPULARITY: 1.000 OUTCOME: ADOPTED PROPOSAL 9113 (No apathetic apathy) AUTHOR: Murphy CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (1): Murphy% AGAINST (7): Jaff, Janet^, Yachay Wayllukuq, ais523%, juan$, snail^, wunst PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 8 AI (F/A): 5/30 (AI=1.0) POPULARITY: -0.750 OUTCOME: REJECTED The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below: // ID: 9111 Title: Resolve The Paradox Adoption index: 2.2 Author: ais523 Co-authors: [The following change amends the promise rules to prevent the same paradox re-occurring, via making "cashing a promise from the Library" into a single action rather than two actions linked by a future conditional.] In rule 2618, amend {{{ A promise's bearer CAN, by announcement, cash the promise, provided that any conditions for cashing it specified by its text are unambiguously met. }}} to {{{ A player (the casher) CAN, by announcement, cash a promise, provided that both a) any conditions for cashing it specified by its text are unambiguously met, and b) either the casher is the promise's bearer, or the promise is owned by the Library. }}} and, as part of the same amendment, amend {{{ In a promise's text, "the bearer" (or the like) refers to the promise's bearer, and "this promise" (or the like) refers to the promise. }}} to {{{ In a promise's text, "the bearer" and "the casher" (or the like) both refer to the player who cashed the promise, and "this promise" (or the like) refers to the promise. }}} and delete {{{ Any player CAN take a specified promise from the Library by announcement, provided e cashes the promise in the same message. }}}. [The following change resolves any gamestate uncertainty caused by the paradox by destroying all relevant promises, and should not affect any promises other than those that were used to cause, or were created by, the paradox.] Destroy all promises that were created on 7 April 2024 and whose creator is ais523. // ID: 9112 Title: What's a crime? Adoption index: 1.7 Author: Murphy Co-authors: Amend Rule 2478 (Justice) by replacing each instance of "crime" with "infraction". //
OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 9111-9113
RESOLUTION OF PROPOSALS 9111-9113 = IDTitleResult --- 9111 Resolve The Paradox ADOPTED 9112 What's a crime? ADOPTED 9113 No apathetic apathy REJECTED I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals. The quorum for all below decisions was 6. VOTING STRENGTHS Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted. #: player has voting strength 3 $: player has voting strength 4 %: player has voting strength 5 ^: player has voting strength 6 PROPOSALS = PROPOSAL 9111 (Resolve The Paradox) AUTHOR: ais523 CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (7): Jaff, Janet^, Yachay Wayllukuq, ais523%, juan$, snail^, wunst AGAINST (0): PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 7 AI (F/A): 30/0 (AI=2.2) POPULARITY: 1.000 OUTCOME: ADOPTED PROPOSAL 9112 (What's a crime?) AUTHOR: Murphy CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (7): Jaff, Janet^, Yachay Wayllukuq, ais523%, juan$, snail^, wunst AGAINST (0): PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 7 AI (F/A): 30/0 (AI=1.7) POPULARITY: 1.000 OUTCOME: ADOPTED PROPOSAL 9113 (No apathetic apathy) AUTHOR: Murphy CLASS: ORDINARY FOR (0): AGAINST (7): Jaff, Janet^, Yachay Wayllukuq, ais523%, juan$, snail^, wunst PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 7 AI (F/A): 0/30 (AI=1.0) POPULARITY: -1.000 OUTCOME: REJECTED The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below: // ID: 9111 Title: Resolve The Paradox Adoption index: 2.2 Author: ais523 Co-authors: [The following change amends the promise rules to prevent the same paradox re-occurring, via making "cashing a promise from the Library" into a single action rather than two actions linked by a future conditional.] In rule 2618, amend {{{ A promise's bearer CAN, by announcement, cash the promise, provided that any conditions for cashing it specified by its text are unambiguously met. }}} to {{{ A player (the casher) CAN, by announcement, cash a promise, provided that both a) any conditions for cashing it specified by its text are unambiguously met, and b) either the casher is the promise's bearer, or the promise is owned by the Library. }}} and, as part of the same amendment, amend {{{ In a promise's text, "the bearer" (or the like) refers to the promise's bearer, and "this promise" (or the like) refers to the promise. }}} to {{{ In a promise's text, "the bearer" and "the casher" (or the like) both refer to the player who cashed the promise, and "this promise" (or the like) refers to the promise. }}} and delete {{{ Any player CAN take a specified promise from the Library by announcement, provided e cashes the promise in the same message. }}}. [The following change resolves any gamestate uncertainty caused by the paradox by destroying all relevant promises, and should not affect any promises other than those that were used to cause, or were created by, the paradox.] Destroy all promises that were created on 7 April 2024 and whose creator is ais523. // ID: 9112 Title: What's a crime? Adoption index: 1.7 Author: Murphy Co-authors: Amend Rule 2478 (Justice) by replacing each instance of "crime" with "infraction". //