I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it. For this decision, the vote collector
is the Assessor, and the valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is
also a valid vote).

ID     Author(s)  AI   Title
7814+  o          3.0  FOR Require Intent on Ballots

The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals:

ID     Author(s)  AI   Title
pp1    Alexis     3.0  Agencies
pp2*   Alexis, o  3.0  Voting Strength Fix

Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending
        <ID>+ : By publishing this report, I pend the marked proposal

The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.


ID: 7814
Title: FOR Require Intent on Ballots
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: o

Replace the text of rule 683 'Voting on Agoran Decisions' with:

      An entity submits a ballot on an Agoran decision by publishing a
      notice satisfying the following conditions:

      (a) The ballot is submitted during the voting period for the

      (b) The entity casting the ballot (the voter) was, at the
          initiation of the decision, a player.

      (c) The ballot clearly identifies the matter to be decided.

      (d) The ballot clearly identifies a valid vote, as determined by
          the voting method.

      (d) The ballot clearly sets forth the voter's intent to place the
          identified vote.

      (e) The voter has not publicly retracted the ballot during the
          voting period.  ("Changing" a vote is equivalent to
          retracting it and casting a vote with the new value.)

      (f) It is the most recent of the voter's otherwise-valid


ID: pp1
Title: Agencies
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Alexis

Enact a new power-3 rule entitled "Acting on Behalf" that reads as

      When a rule allows one person (the agent) to act on behalf of
      another (the principal) to perform an action, that agent CAN
      perform the action if it is POSSIBLE for the principal to do so,
      taking into account any prerequisites for the action. If the
      enabling rule does not specify the mechanism by which the agent
      may do so, then the agent CAN perform the action in the same
      manner in which the principal CAN do so, with the additional
      requirement that the agent must, in the message in which the
      action is performed, uniquely identify the principal and

      When an action is performed on behalf of a principal, then the
      action is considered for all game purposes to have been
      performed by the principal.

      This rule takes precedence over any rule which would prohibit a
      person from taking an action, except that it defers to any rule
      that imposes limitations specifically on actions taken on behalf
      of another person.

Amend Rule 1728 (Dependent Actions) by adding:
       5) With T Notice, where T is a time period.
       4) With Notice.

and by replacing:
       a) A person (the initiator) announced intent to perform the
          action, unambiguously and clearly specifying the action and
          method(s) (including the value of N for each method), at
          most fourteen days earlier, and (if the action depends on
          objections or notice) at least 4 days earlier.
       a) A person (the initiator) announced intent to perform the
          action, unambiguously and clearly specifying the action and
          method(s) (including the value of N and/or T for each
          method), at most fourteen days earlier.

       b) If the action is to be performed With N Objections, With N
          Agoran Consent, or With Notice, if the intent was announced
          at least 4 days earlier.

       c) If the action is to be performed With T Notice, if the itent
          was announced at least T earlier.

and by relettering the list appropriately.

Amend Rule 2124 (Agoran Satisfaction) by adding:
      (4) if the action is to be performed With Notice or With T Notice.
after bullet (3).

Enact a new power-1 rule entitled "TLAs" that reads as follows:

      An Agency is a document empowering persons to act on behalf of
      another player. A player may establish an Agency With 24 hours
      Notice and thereby become its Director by specifying the
      properties of the new Agency:
            a) A title, which must be exactly three words, not counting
               conjunctions, articles or prepositions.
            b) A non-empty list of persons other than the Head (the
            c) A description of a set of actions (the Powers).

      An Agency's Head may amend its properties or revoke it with 24
      hours Notice. For greater certainty, an announced intent to
      create an Agency or amend an Agency's powers is INEFFECTIVE
      unless it explicitly specifies the new values of the properties
      being created or amended.

      The Powers of an Agency may only be stated as actions and, in
      particular, may not be conditional on date, time, game state, or
      preconditions, except to the extent that they are required for
      the action to be POSSIBLE. Except as allowed by this rule, any
      conditions written in the Powers of an Agency are INEFFECTIVE
      without affecting the overall validity of the Agency or its

      An Agency, once created, SHOULD be referred to by the acronym
      formed from its title with conjunctions, articles, and
      prepositions removed. The acronym of an agency must be unique
      and any attempt to create or amend an Agency such that two
      Agencies would have the same acronym is INEFFECTIVE.

      The Agents of an Agency may perform the Actions described in the
      Powers of the Agency on behalf of the Agency's Head.

Enact a new power-1 rule entitled "Superintendent" that reads as

      The Superintendent is an office; its holder is responsible for
      keeping track of Agencies.

      The Superintendent's weekly report includes:
      - the Head and acronym of all Agencies,
      - the full properties of all Agencies created since the
        Superintendent's previous report.
      - the amended properties of all Agencies whose properties were
        amended since the Superintendent's previous report.

      The Superintendent's month report includes the Head and
      properties of all Agencies.


ID: pp2
Title: Voting Strength Fix (PENDING, BUGGY)
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Alexis
Co-author(s): o

Amend rule 2422 (Voting Strength) by inserting "on an Agoran decision"
after each occurrence of "entity".

Amend rule 2423 (First Among Equals) by replacing the second
paragraph with:

      On any Agoran decision to adopt a Proposal, the holder of the
      office of Prime Minister has voting strength one greater than
      e would have if e did not hold the office.

Amend rule 955 by replacing (Determining the Will of Agora) by
replacing the text with:

      Each Agoran decision has a voting method, which determines how
      voters may vote on it and how to calculate the outcome. The
      strength of a ballot is the voting strength of the voter who
      cast it on that Agoran decision.

      The following voting methods are defined:

      (1) AI-majority: the valid votes are FOR and AGAINST. Let F be
          the total strength of all valid ballots cast FOR a decision,
          A be the same for AGAINST, and AI becthe adoption index of
          the decision. The outcome is ADOPTED if F/A >= AI and F/A >
          1 (or F>0 and A=0), otherwise REJECTED.

      (2) Instant runoff: the valid votes are ordered lists of
          options, and the outcome is whichever option wins according
          to the standard definition of instant runoff. For this
          purpose, a ballot of strength N is treated as if it were N
          distinct ballots expressing the same preferences. In case
          multiple valid options tie for the lowest number of votes at
          any stage, the vote collector CAN and must, in the
          announcement of the decision's resolution, select one such
          option to eliminate; if, for M > 1, all eir possible choices
          in the next M stages would result in the same set of options
          being eliminated, e need not specify the order of

      (3) First-past-the-post (default): the valid votes are the
          options, and the outcome is whichever option received the
          highest total strength of valid ballots. In case of a tie,
          the vote collector CAN and must, in the announcement of the
          decision's resolution, select one of the leaders as the

      The previous notwithstanding:

      - If there is more than one option, and the number of valid
        ballots is less than quorum, the outcome is instead FAILED
      - PRESENT is always a valid vote, with no effect on the outcome
        except counting towards quorum.
      - If there are no valid options, the outcome is null.

      The outcome of a decision is determined when it is resolved, and
      cannot change thereafter.


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