OFF: [Secretary] Charter Report

2017-02-01 Thread Owen Jacobson
Secretary's Monthly Report

Date of this report: Wed  1 Feb 2017
Date of last report: Thu  5 Jan 2017

Recent events (all times UTC)

- previous report -
- time of last report -

[The Agoran Betting Market]

An amendment to this Organization is Appropriate if intent to perform
it was announced between 4 and 14 days ago, and no members of the
Organization have publicly objected to it since.

References to a person's Budget Switch in this Charter refer to the
Budget Switch for the pair consisting of that person and this

For the purposes of Bets made under the provisions of this
Organization, a reference to an Agoran Decision on whether to adopt a
proposal can be made by instead referencing the proposal itself, unless
doing so would be ambiguous.

Any non-member of this Organization can join it via flipping eir Budget
Switch to 25.

Any member of this Organization whose Budget Switch is currently 25 or
less, and who has not authored any unResolved Bets that are Covered by
a Bet with an author other than emself, can leave it via flipping eir
Budget Switch to 0.

A Bet is a portion of an announcement, labelled as a Bet, that is
authored by a member of this Organization and contains the following

Deadline: a moment in the future, defined either by its date, or by
specifying an event that could potentially happen in the future but
that has not yet occurred (e.g. "the resolution of Proposal "), in
which case the Deadline is the first occurrence of such an event;
Odds: two positive integers separated by a hyphen (e.g. 3-1);
Event: a statement in the future tense about a property of Agora's
gamestate, which is evaluated at the time stated in the Deadline.

If two Bets have the same Deadline, reverse Odds (i.e. the number
before the hyphen and the number after the hyphen are swapped), and
Events which are negations of each other (i.e. one is necessarily true
whenever the other is false, and vice versa), the Bets are stated to
Complement each other. For each bet, the first bet that Complements it
and has not previously Covered another bet is said to Cover that bet.
Exception: if a Bet is not Covered by its Deadline, it cannot Cover or
be Covered by another Bet subsequently.

A statement by a member of this Organization that e "covers" a Bet is
interpreted as an announcement that would be a Bet that Covers it, if
such a bet is possible (i.e. if the Bet is unCovered and its Deadline
has not occurred).

A statement by a member of this Organization that e "withdraws" a Bet
that e authored is interpreted as though that member had announced that
e covered that Bet.

If a Bet is Covered and its Deadline has passed, it has not previously
been Resolved, and the Bet and the Bet that Covers it have different
authors, any member of this contract can Resolve it. To do so, e flips
the Bet's author's Budget Switch as follows:

- If the Bet's Event was true when the Deadline occurred, the switch is
reduced by the integer before the hyphen in the Bet's Odds;

- If the Bet's Event was false when the Deadline occurred, the switch
is increased by the integer after the hyphen in the Bet's Odds.

Members of this Organization are strongly encouraged to Resolve a Bet
and the Bet that Covers it within the same message. They are also
encouraged to identify the Bet, and the Bet that Covers it, via quoting
the original messages containing them.

[The Agoran Credit Union]

 * All actions described by this Charter and pertaining to
   Organizations are limited in scope to this Organization.

 * An amendment is Appropriate if intent to perform it was announced
   between 4 and 14 days ago, and no members have publicly objected to
   it since.

 * A person flipping eir own Budget Switch is Appropriate unless
   Income would be lower than the Income Floor (50 if not defined by
   the rules).

 * Each member has a number of Union Credits, initially zero. At the
   end of each week, each member gains a number of Union Credits
   equal to three times eir Budget Switch.

[The Agoran Voting Market]


This section is a non-normative, non-binding summary of the intent of this
Organization. When resolving disputes, determining whether actions are
Appropriate, or otherwise regulating the operation of this Organization, do not
refer to any paragraph in this section other than this one. This section ends
immediately after the line containing “[The Charter]”.

Members of this organization may freely enter into binding agreements to buy
and sell votes on Agoran decisions. As votes are non-transferrable, sales are
realized through voting instructions from the buyer to the seller member. The
terms of the sale - the identities of the parties, the price paid, the number
of votes purchased, and the bond with which performance is secured - will be
public, but the actual voting instructions may be provided privately if the
parties so choose.

To secure performance, a player buying votes must place their

OFF: [Secretary] Charter Report

2016-12-01 Thread Owen Jacobson
Secretary's Monthly Report

Date of this report: Thu  1 Dec 2016
Date of last report: Sun  6 Nov 2016

Recent events (all times UTC)

Sat 28 Nov 21:20:33  The Agoran Credit Union created
Sat 28 Nov 22:10:45  The Agoran Betting Market created
Sun  6 Dec 17:49:44  The Agoran Credit Union charter amended
Mon 21 Dec 18:01:09  The Agoran Betting Market charter amended
Sun 21 Feb 20:07:54  The Agoran Betting Market charter amended
- previous report -
- time of last report -
Thu 10 Nov 22:28:55  The Agoran Betting Market charter amended (ais523)
Sun 20 Nov 00:54:06  Organization "蘭亭社" created (天火狐)

[The Agoran Betting Market]

An amendment to this Organization is Appropriate if intent to perform
it was announced between 4 and 14 days ago, and no members of the
Organization have publicly objected to it since.

References to a person's Budget Switch in this Charter refer to the
Budget Switch for the pair consisting of that person and this

For the purposes of Bets made under the provisions of this
Organization, a reference to an Agoran Decision on whether to adopt a
proposal can be made by instead referencing the proposal itself, unless
doing so would be ambiguous.

Any non-member of this Organization can join it via flipping eir Budget
Switch to 25.

Any member of this Organization whose Budget Switch is currently 25 or
less, and who has not authored any unResolved Bets that are Covered by
a Bet with an author other than emself, can leave it via flipping eir
Budget Switch to 0.

A Bet is a portion of an announcement, labelled as a Bet, that is
authored by a member of this Organization and contains the following

Deadline: a moment in the future, defined either by its date, or by
specifying an event that could potentially happen in the future but
that has not yet occurred (e.g. "the resolution of Proposal "), in
which case the Deadline is the first occurrence of such an event;
Odds: two positive integers separated by a hyphen (e.g. 3-1);
Event: a statement in the future tense about a property of Agora's
gamestate, which is evaluated at the time stated in the Deadline.

If two Bets have the same Deadline, reverse Odds (i.e. the number
before the hyphen and the number after the hyphen are swapped), and
Events which are negations of each other (i.e. one is necessarily true
whenever the other is false, and vice versa), the Bets are stated to
Complement each other. For each bet, the first bet that Complements it
and has not previously Covered another bet is said to Cover that bet.
Exception: if a Bet is not Covered by its Deadline, it cannot Cover or
be Covered by another Bet subsequently.

A statement by a member of this Organization that e "covers" a Bet is
interpreted as an announcement that would be a Bet that Covers it, if
such a bet is possible (i.e. if the Bet is unCovered and its Deadline
has not occurred).

A statement by a member of this Organization that e "withdraws" a Bet
that e authored is interpreted as though that member had announced that
e covered that Bet.

If a Bet is Covered and its Deadline has passed, it has not previously
been Resolved, and the Bet and the Bet that Covers it have different
authors, any member of this contract can Resolve it. To do so, e flips
the Bet's author's Budget Switch as follows:

- If the Bet's Event was true when the Deadline occurred, the switch is
reduced by the integer before the hyphen in the Bet's Odds;

- If the Bet's Event was false when the Deadline occurred, the switch
is increased by the integer after the hyphen in the Bet's Odds.

Members of this Organization are strongly encouraged to Resolve a Bet
and the Bet that Covers it within the same message. They are also
encouraged to identify the Bet, and the Bet that Covers it, via quoting
the original messages containing them.

[The Agoran Credit Union]

 * All actions described by this Charter and pertaining to
   Organizations are limited in scope to this Organization.

 * An amendment is Appropriate if intent to perform it was announced
   between 4 and 14 days ago, and no members have publicly objected to
   it since.

 * A person flipping eir own Budget Switch is Appropriate unless
   Income would be lower than the Income Floor (50 if not defined by
   the rules).

 * Each member has a number of Union Credits, initially zero. At the
   end of each week, each member gains a number of Union Credits
   equal to three times eir Budget Switch.


1. この憲章には、以下の同じ行に書かれている用語が同意義です。
* Agora, アゴラ, 阿呉羅
* Announcement, 公表
* Appropriate, ふさわしい, 相応しい
* The Budget Switch for the pair consisting of X and this Organization, Xの株
* CAN, 得る
* Charter, 憲章
* Duty, 義務
* Expenditure, 支出
* To flip (switch X to Y), (XがYに)変わる
* Organization, 社
* Player, アゴラプレイヤー
* SHOULD, べし
* Switch, スイッチ
2. 当社の正式名称は「蘭亭社」で、「ランテイシャ」と読みます。
3. 当社のメンバーならないアゴラプレイヤーは自分の株が1~50に変わることによって弊社のメンバーになり得ます。
4. 当社はアゴラプ

OFF: [Secretary] Charter Report

2016-08-07 Thread Edward Murphy

Secretary's Monthly Report

Date of this report: Sun  7 Aug 2016
Date of last report: Sun 27 Mar 2016

Recent events (all times UTC)

Sat 28 Nov 21:20:33  The Agoran Credit Union created
Sat 28 Nov 22:10:45  The Agoran Betting Market created
Sun  6 Dec 17:49:44  The Agoran Credit Union charter amended
Mon 21 Dec 18:01:09  The Agoran Betting Market charter amended
Sun 21 Feb 20:07:54  The Agoran Betting Market charter amended
- time of last report -
- previous report -

[The Agoran Betting Market]

An amendment to this Organization is Appropriate if intent to perform it
was announced between 4 and 14 days ago, and no members of the
Organization have publicly objected to it since.

Reference to a Budget Switch for a person in this Charter refer to the
Budget Switch for the pair consisting of that person and this

Any non-member of this Organization can join it via flipping eir Budget
Switch to 25.

Any member of this Organization can leave it via flipping eir Budget
Switch to 0, but only if eir Budget Switch for it is currently 25 or

A Bet is an announcement of the form "I bet X Expenditure that Y by Z."
or "I bet X Expenditure that Y before Z", where X is a positive integer
(the bet's Amount), Y is a description that could potentially in the
future apply to some subset of Agora's gamestate (the bet's Subject),
and Z is a time in the future (either an absolute time, or a time
described relative to some gamestate event, e.g. "the resolution of an
Agoran Decision to accept [a specific proposal]") (the bet's Deadline).

If a bet's Subject describes a player's vote on an Agoran decision, then
unless explicitly stated otherwise, that description can only apply
after it is too late for that vote to be changed. References to a vote
on a proposal are, unless explicitly stated otherwise, considered to be
references to an Agoran Decision on whether to adopt that proposal.

For each Bet, its Bet Acceptance is the first announcement before its
Deadline that quotes that Bet, and states that it accepts that Bet (or,
if the author of the Bet is the author of the announcement, that it
withdraws that Bet). If a Bet has a Bet Acceptance, then it is an
"Accepted Bet".

If the Subject of an Accepted Bet has (at any time from the Bet's
creation and the earlier of the Bet's Deadline and the current time,
inclusive of endpoints) been an accurate description of the subset of
Agora's gamestate that it pertains to, that Bet is a Won Bet. If an
Accepted Bet is not a Won Bet, and its Deadline has passed, then that
Bet is a Lost Bet.

The following two changes are Appropriate once for each Won Bet, if both
changes are made in the given order in the same message and with no
other actions taken in between:
- Flipping the Budget Switch for the author of its Bet Acceptance by
   increasing it by the Bet's Amount; and
- Flipping the Budget Switch for the author of the Bet itself by
   decreasing it by the Bet's Amount (or to 1, if this decrease would
   take it below 1).

The following two changes are Appropriate once for each Lost Bet, if both
changes are made in the given order in the same message and with no
other actions taken in between:
- Flipping the Budget Switch for the author of the Bet itself by
   increasing it by the Bet's Amount; and
- Flipping the Budget Switch for the author of its Bet Acceptance by
   decreasing it by the Bet's Amount (or to 1, if this decrease would
   take it below 1).

When performing the flips described in the above two paragraphs, members
are strongly encouraged to quote the Bet Acceptance, including its quote
of the Bet itself.

[The Agoran Credit Union]

  * All actions described by this Charter and pertaining to
Organizations are limited in scope to this Organization.

  * An amendment is Appropriate if intent to perform it was announced
between 4 and 14 days ago, and no members have publicly objected to
it since.

  * A person flipping eir own Budget Switch is Appropriate unless
Income would be lower than the Income Floor (50 if not defined by
the rules).

  * Each member has a number of Union Credits, initially zero. At the
end of each week, each member gains a number of Union Credits
equal to three times eir Budget Switch.

OFF: [Secretary] Charter Report

2016-03-27 Thread Edward Murphy

Secretary's Monthly Report

Date of this report: Sun 27 Mar 2016
Date of last report: Sun 21 Feb 2016

Recent events (all times UTC)

Sat 28 Nov 21:20:33  The Agoran Credit Union created
Sat 28 Nov 22:10:45  The Agoran Betting Market created
Sun  6 Dec 17:49:44  The Agoran Credit Union charter amended
Mon 21 Dec 18:01:09  The Agoran Betting Market charter amended
- previous report -
Sun 21 Feb 20:07:54  The Agoran Betting Market charter amended

[The Agoran Betting Market]

An amendment to this Organization is Appropriate if intent to perform it
was announced between 4 and 14 days ago, and no members of the
Organization have publicly objected to it since.

Reference to a Budget Switch for a person in this Charter refer to the
Budget Switch for the pair consisting of that person and this

Any non-member of this Organization can join it via flipping eir Budget
Switch to 25.

Any member of this Organization can leave it via flipping eir Budget
Switch to 0, but only if eir Budget Switch for it is currently 25 or

A Bet is an announcement of the form "I bet X Expenditure that Y by Z."
or "I bet X Expenditure that Y before Z", where X is a positive integer
(the bet's Amount), Y is a description that could potentially in the
future apply to some subset of Agora's gamestate (the bet's Subject),
and Z is a time in the future (either an absolute time, or a time
described relative to some gamestate event, e.g. "the resolution of an
Agoran Decision to accept [a specific proposal]") (the bet's Deadline).

If a bet's Subject describes a player's vote on an Agoran decision, then
unless explicitly stated otherwise, that description can only apply
after it is too late for that vote to be changed. References to a vote
on a proposal are, unless explicitly stated otherwise, considered to be
references to an Agoran Decision on whether to adopt that proposal.

For each Bet, its Bet Acceptance is the first announcement before its
Deadline that quotes that Bet, and states that it accepts that Bet (or,
if the author of the Bet is the author of the announcement, that it
withdraws that Bet). If a Bet has a Bet Acceptance, then it is an
"Accepted Bet".

If the Subject of an Accepted Bet has (at any time from the Bet's
creation and the earlier of the Bet's Deadline and the current time,
inclusive of endpoints) been an accurate description of the subset of
Agora's gamestate that it pertains to, that Bet is a Won Bet. If an
Accepted Bet is not a Won Bet, and its Deadline has passed, then that
Bet is a Lost Bet.

The following two changes are Appropriate once for each Won Bet, if both
changes are made in the given order in the same message and with no
other actions taken in between:
- Flipping the Budget Switch for the author of its Bet Acceptance by
   increasing it by the Bet's Amount; and
- Flipping the Budget Switch for the author of the Bet itself by
   decreasing it by the Bet's Amount (or to 1, if this decrease would
   take it below 1).

The following two changes are Appropriate once for each Lost Bet, if both
changes are made in the given order in the same message and with no
other actions taken in between:
- Flipping the Budget Switch for the author of the Bet itself by
   increasing it by the Bet's Amount; and
- Flipping the Budget Switch for the author of its Bet Acceptance by
   decreasing it by the Bet's Amount (or to 1, if this decrease would
   take it below 1).

When performing the flips described in the above two paragraphs, members
are strongly encouraged to quote the Bet Acceptance, including its quote
of the Bet itself.

[The Agoran Credit Union]

  * All actions described by this Charter and pertaining to
Organizations are limited in scope to this Organization.

  * An amendment is Appropriate if intent to perform it was announced
between 4 and 14 days ago, and no members have publicly objected to
it since.

  * A person flipping eir own Budget Switch is Appropriate unless
Income would be lower than the Income Floor (50 if not defined by
the rules).

  * Each member has a number of Union Credits, initially zero. At the
end of each week, each member gains a number of Union Credits
equal to three times eir Budget Switch.