Re: [Keuangan] OOT : Breaking News: Deadly clashes hit Bangkok

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik dian . hakim
Boleh urun pendapat?

Membandingkan kondisi Bangkok '98 dengan Bangkok '10, menurut pendapat dangkal 
saya, jelas situasinya berbeda. 

Di tahun 98 jelas krisis moneter ikut menjalar ke kawasan Asia Tenggara lainnya 
karena kebetulan negara Asia Tenggara lain juga punya permasalahan yang sama. 

Namun di tahun 2010 jelas masalah Thailand akibat krisis politik dengan 
eskalasi jumlah korban yang dikutip dari Al Jazeera itu. Malaysia, Indonesia 
ato Phillipina punya PR dalam politik internal juga. Berbeda dengan Indonesia 
yg memanfaatkan momentum krisis serta ketidakbecusan rezim Orba untuk 
menggulingkan kekuasaan. Thailand sepertinya tidak punya masalah besar di 
ekonomi yg jadi bahan bakar untuk menggulingkan pemerintahan sekarang (maaf 
saya tdk bisa menyertakan data pendukung indikator ekonomi Thailand sewaktu 
krisis global hingga kini). 

Dalam tatanan pasar finansial, potensi krisis di Thailand dapat berdampak pada 
koreksi pasar saham atau perlemahan nilai tukar THB dengan USD. 
Kalaupun hal ini menyeret bursa saham di Asia Tenggara lain, maka harus dilihat 
kasus per kasus. 

Mohon maaf jika kurang berkenan, 
-Original Message-
From: herisetiono004
Date: Sat, 15 May 2010 13:40:40 
Subject: [Keuangan] OOT : Breaking News: Deadly clashes hit Bangkok

Moga moga dampak kerusuhan di Bangkok tidak mempengaruhi kawasan Asia Tenggara 
seperti di tahun 98. 

Saturday, May 15, 2010

At least 16 people have been killed and more than 100 injured after clashes 
erupted in the Thai capital as security forces attempted to seal off an 
anti-government protest camp.

Explosions and gunfire were heard in Bangkok's business district on Friday as 
the so-called red shirts battled with troops using tear gas and rubber bullets.

The army said it was not planning to crack down on the main protest site in the 
central Rajprasong business district, but was attempting to seal off the camp, 
cut the protesters' supplies and limit the size of the crowd inside.

We will allow protesters to leave the area today, Sansern Kaewkamnerd, an 
army spokesman, said.

Al Jazeera's Aela Callan, reporting from Bangkok, said that the violence 
appeared to be intensifying around the protest camp.

As night has fallen, we have seen some more intense firing taking place, she 
said. We are still hearing a lot of gunfire coming from the area. It's very 
hard to say whether the gunfire is coming from the red shirts side as well as 
the soldiers.

Callan said that the clashes had spread to just outside the demonstration area 
as protestors headed to the area. Protestors have been able to come into the 
site and their numbers have swelled slightly from earlier, she said. The red 
shirts are showing no sign of leaving the area, despite the gun battles that 
have been going on. 

Civil war'

Sean Boonpracong, a red shirt spokesman, told Al Jazeera that the two sides 
were unevenly matched and called on the army to end its operations against the 
protest camp. 

We want the army to cease fire, he said. We really seriously want peace. We 
are really concerned at what is taking place.
Thaksin Shinawatra, the exiled former prime minister who is closely linked to 
the red shirts, accused the Thai government of a grave infringement of human 

The army had moved on a red shirts at a checkpoint set up outside the main camp 
on Friday after a series of violent clashes left at least one person dead and 
nine injured overnight.

Military vehicles and a bus were reportedly set on fire as the red shirts 
attempted to halt the troops.

The protesters had gathered outside the Suan Lum night market to stop soldiers 
from advancing towards the main site.

Electricity has been cut off to that part of the capital in an apparent attempt 
to force the protesters out and sections of the city's elevated rail system 
were closed, including at Sukhumvit Road, a key tourist area.

Bangkok is under a state of emergency, Al Jazeera's Wayne Hay, reporting from 
the protest site, said.

So things are stepping up and the government is trying to increase pressure on 
the red shirts.

There is still a hardcore of protest leaders there who are staying put.

The military has said that snipers could be deployed to the area and armoured 
vehicles may also be used around the site to prevent more people joining the 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [Keuangan] OOT : Breaking News: Deadly clashes hit Bangkok

2010-05-15 Terurut Topik herisetiono004

--- In, dian.ha...@... wrote:
 Thailand sepertinya tidak punya masalah besar di ekonomi yg jadi bahan bakar 
untuk menggulingkan pemerintahan sekarang (maaf saya tdk bisa menyertakan data 
pendukung indikator ekonomi Thailand sewaktu krisis global hingga kini). 
 Dalam tatanan pasar finansial, potensi krisis di Thailand dapat berdampak 
 pada koreksi pasar saham atau perlemahan nilai tukar THB dengan USD. 
 Kalaupun hal ini menyeret bursa saham di Asia Tenggara lain, maka harus 
 dilihat kasus per kasus. 
 Mohon maaf jika kurang berkenan, 

Indikator ekonomi memang sangat penting, tetapi bukan satu satunya faktor. 
Menilik pengalaman di Thailand memang sering terjadi penggulingan pemerintahan 
namun hampir hampir tidak berpengaruh secara ekonomi karena mereka memiliki 
Raja yang sebagaimana sistem demokrasi monarki sebagai lambang negara, namun 
dalam prakteknya beliau sangat dihormati seluruh warga negara Thailand. Apapun 
titah beliau maka semua pihak pasti akan mematuhi.  Namun hingga sekarang pihak 
Kerajaan belum juga turun tangan. Berita terakhir tadi malam (Kubu Demonstran 
dan Militer akan Tambah Kekuatan
Nograhany Widhi K - detikNews) jumlah pihak yang tewas sudah naik mencapai 24 
orang dan 176 terluka. Beberapa demonstran mulai melakukan mobilisasi di 
beberapa provinsi sementara pihak militerpun sudah menambah kekuatan. Jika 
krisis politik ini berlarut larut dan makin parah sedikit banyak akan memiliki 
pengaruh di bidang ekonomi. Apakah akan bereskalasi menjadi krisis ekonomi yang 
kemudian berpengaruh ke kawasan regional, saya sendiripun belum tahu. 
Harapannya tentu masalah ini segera diselesaikan sesegera mungkin agar tidak 
berimbas menjadi krisis ekonomi.