dear Reza Nazarian

I think that there are many things to say about this topic.....(for example the idea to use a gaussian distribution for porosity should be checked). But I think that in the good book "Geostatistical reservoir modeling: Clayton V. Deutsch, Oxford University press" you will find some useful answers.
Sebastiano Trevisani

At 19.26 04/05/2006, Reza Nazarian wrote:
Dear Experts
I have a problem to solve.
I want to create a porosity map or a porosity 3D grid or volume out of some borehole information. I am using methods like Sequential Gausian Simulation. I have also a  facies map showing facies A(coded with 0) and facies B Coded with 1). I know in area covered by facies A I have more porosity or the probability to have higher porosity is great. How can I implement it in final porosity map or volume which is generated by SGS or other methods. In my opinion the result need to present  more porosity in facies A. Please advise. Should I generate porosity map for each facies seperately??? if you know some papers also please introduce.

Very Best Regards
Reza Nazarian
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