Good evening to all,

I am somewhat of a newbie to geostatistical analyses, but pretty
familiar with GIS and remote sensing packages. I was wondering if
anyone had suggestions on appropriate geostatistical analyses for a
particular data set. The data set consists of a large-scale survey at
the land plot level consisting of questions related to political
participation (an ordinal scale), and raster data from a binary
landcover classification of forest cover.

The research question is whether political participation (potentially
plus other variables) affects the presence of forest cover. What I´m
imagining is some sort of multivariate linear regression in terms of
the survey data, but when it comes to adding in the values from the
raster I´m somewhat stymied. In doing some background research on
potential approaches, it seems like looking at discrete variation
might be the way to go. Any general advice would be greatly
p.s. I´m using ArcGIS 10 and Erdas 2011

Best to all,

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