Re: [akka-user] Akka Streams - How to define a Flow depending on the data coming from the Source? (AKA dinamically)

2015-07-21 Thread Joe Edwards
AFAIK there is currently no way of dynamically changing the size of the pool. What you can do is assign a fixed number of 'slots' which get dynamically turned off/on You could look at

Re: [akka-user] Akka Streams - How to define a Flow depending on the data coming from the Source? (AKA dinamically)

2015-07-20 Thread Joe Edwards
Sounds to me like you want a pooled set of streams for processing your events, with the restriction that events with the same ID must go into the same stream? If that's the case, a FlexiRoute with a fixed set of downstreams should do the job. Then all you need is a way of consistently

[akka-user] Re: Why does FlexiMerge mandate same type on all inlets?

2015-07-15 Thread Joe Edwards
juli 2015 kl. 00:27:32 UTC+2 skrev Joe Edwards: Inlets are naturally Contravariant (an inlet that reads A can be viewed as an inlet that reads B : A), but that breaks down slightly when you're viewing it 'from the other side' - as the Outlet of something else. Perhaps there should be a view

[akka-user] Re: Why does FlexiMerge mandate same type on all inlets?

2015-07-14 Thread Joe Edwards
Inlets are naturally Contravariant (an inlet that reads A can be viewed as an inlet that reads B : A), but that breaks down slightly when you're viewing it 'from the other side' - as the Outlet of something else. Perhaps there should be a view of the Inlet which can be used in a merge which is

[akka-user] Re: Issues with custom FlexiRoute in Akka Streams

2015-06-22 Thread Joe Edwards
You've got your demand condition as 'DemandFromAny', when I think it should be 'DemandFromAll'. I'm not exactly sure why that would explain your exact behaviour, but it should help. If you consciously don't want to wait for demand from both, you could e.g. have 2 states which are randomly

[akka-user] Re: Akka HTTP - Responding to requests early

2015-01-29 Thread Joe Edwards
the connection. You could cheat though: use chunked encoding for the request entity, and send an empty chunk ending the request entity as soon as you read the server's rejection headers. On Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 6:33:47 PM UTC+2, Joe Edwards wrote: I have an application in which

[akka-user] Re: [akka-http] Status of http-client in 1.0-M1

2014-12-15 Thread Joe Edwards
Have a look at - it's very likely the same bug. On Monday, 15 December 2014 18:07:53 UTC, Łukasz Sowa wrote: Same here. At first sight it looks like a bug. Any clues? Best, Łukasz W dniu niedziela, 14 grudnia 2014 05:06:20 UTC+1 użytkownik Jan

Re: [akka-user] Akka HTTP client closing connection early

2014-12-08 Thread Joe Edwards
I'm seeing similar behaviour in 1.0-M1, my client looks like this: class SingleUseConnectionHttpClient()(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem) { val http = Http() implicit val materializer = FlowMaterializer(namePrefix = Some(SingleUseConnectionHttpClient)) def sendRequest(request:

Re: [akka-user] akka http+streams applying TCP backpressure

2014-11-26 Thread Joe Edwards
Thanks, sounds like I must be doing something wrong. This isn't a huge priority right now, so I'll probably worry about it later. The situation is that I have an app streaming a (potentially large) request in from a client and forwards it on to another downstream application. I made a test

[akka-user] akka http+streams applying TCP backpressure

2014-11-25 Thread Joe Edwards
From the original announcement ( it sounds as though the HTTP entity stream should [have the ability to] apply TCP back-pressure to clients streaming into the server. After some rudimentary experimentation it doesn't appear to be doing

[akka-user] [akka-http] Graceful Shutdown

2014-11-13 Thread Joe Edwards
Spray 1.3.1 provided an 'Unbind' feature, which allowed you to unbind from the port and (crucially) wait for existing requests to complete. See!searchin/spray-user/bradley/spray-user/Sfh8x5yWibU/JAqWyOKnaj0J Is there an equivalent feature in akka-http? (I am