
I am working on some tech to integrate hazelcast and Akka. The thing is 
with Hazelcast, a particular object in the cache may be on any one of the 
nodes in the cluster and serializing the object from its host node to the 
node in the cluster where it is being processed can be expensive. So I was 
debating an alternative paradigm. Basically I was considering storing the 
actor refs to the Actor in the hazelcast map keyed by the member id. The 
idea is I ask the map "Give me the actor ref for node 3" and it returns 
back an ActorRef object and then the router uses that to forward the 
message to the correct router on the correct node via a normal call. For 

def forward(msg: Object, key: Object) = {
  val uuid = 
  hazelcast.getMap("RoutingActors").get(uuid) ! msg

Can anyone see any issue with such a paradigm? Do I have to tell hazelcast 
that the actor ref is on another node? Do I need to open any ports or do 
any other configuration to get such a thing to work? 


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