
I am trying to use akka-http's host-level client-side 
Http().cachedHostConnectionPool flow as part of a larger stream for which 
items in the stream may have previously failed, and so it wouldn't make 
sense to send an HTTP request. In other words, I really want a flow with 
type something like Flow[(Try[HttpRequest], Context)], (Try[HttpResponse], 
Context), NotUsed], for which the failure would be propagated.

In general, this seems hard to do using akka-stream. More generally, I'd 
like to do something like, given a Flow[A,B,NotUsed], construct a new 
Flow[Try[A], Try[B], NotUsed] that would perform the operation of the 
original flow only if the input item was a Success. Otherwise, it would 
propagate the error. 

I don't see an easy way to accomplish this. Is this the right way to be 
approaching single-item failure propagation in a stream? Is there any kind 
of fan-out stage that routes items downstream based on a predicate? Any 
guidance would be appreciated.


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