
I'm trying to implement the following workflow or checking if there is an 
example (preferably in Java) somewhere:

   1. Connect via web-socket, authenticate and receive a session ID 
   2. Using that session ID an actor is created which will handle all 
   subsequent requests coming from that user.
   3. That session ID can also subscribe to specific events which will make 
   the server send data back events to that session using the created actor.
   4. The actor of course has a session timeout so it will expire after few 

So my question is, what is the data structure that I need to wrap inside 
that actor in order to respond back to that session ID? A Source<T, T>, I 
might not completely understood Akka HTTP and Streams documentation so I'm 
wondering if there is an example with such or similar scenario.

The examples I have seen so far are very straight forward, send request, 
handle request and return a Message, but I'm looking for a data structure 
that can continuously stream data back on the already established 
web-socket connection, maybe it is more obvious than what I think and I 
have just not seen it.

Best regards,


>>>>>>>>>>      Read the docs: http://akka.io/docs/
>>>>>>>>>>      Check the FAQ: 
>>>>>>>>>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
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