I am new in Akka.
Here's situation.
I am writing program which computes some math problem.
1 Experiment is computed by 1 EvaluationActor
No. of experiments might be thousands,or hundreds of thousends, even more.
Each EvaluationActor has child actor - ResultActor which collects stats 
from experiment.
Now, I have EvaluationScheduler type(which's non-actor) and want to collect 
stats from all experiments to show it.
According to documentation I should use Inbox class to be able to get multi 
replies from ResultActors.
Here's some test code for Inbox usage : 

def InboxTest = {
    implicit val as = ActorSystem()    
    val a = actor(new Act {
      become {
        case "hello" ⇒ sender ! "hi"
        case "hello1" ⇒ sender ! "hi1"
        case "hello2" ⇒ sender ! "hi2"
    implicit val i = inbox()
    a ! "hello"
    a ! "hello2"
    a ! "hello1"        
    i.receive().asInstanceOf[String].foreach(print _)
    i.receive().asInstanceOf[String].foreach(print _)
    i.receive().asInstanceOf[String].foreach(print _)

The code is rough, but my thought was to show that I have to call receive() 
each time I want get next message.
Since I can't get mailboxsize will be tricky to know when check for next 

So now, using this I need to build some mechanism to be sure that I have 
all stats from each ResultActor = each experiment.
Simple solution for this is counting received messages and maybe sending 
some experimentID or something.
But this's not solution, because if mailbox will be empty at I got :
java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: deadline passed

Any better ideas/propositions?
Maybe there's better way more like "out of the box" in akka for such task?


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