
    I want to create a Timer Actor that tracks the progress of the entire 
program (and also estimate remaining execution time). Since the timer actor 
will have to hold mutable variable aka "current progress", I think it 
should be constructed under the highest supervisor instead of being spawned 
by lower actors. So I created this:

object Entry extends App {
    val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("Twitter")
    val sup = system.actorOf(Props[Supervisor])
    sup ! Sentence(.....)

class Supervisor extends Actor {

  def receive = {
    case sen: Sentence =>
      val timer = context.actorOf(Props[Timer])
      val pcfg = context.actorOf(Props[PCFGParser])
      pcfg ! sen.copy()

Then I have this lower actor that does all the actions:

class PCFGParser extends Actor{

   def receive = {
     case sen: Sentence =>
       //....business logic
        val ps = context.actorOf(Props[PatternSearch]) //create another 
        ps ! sen.copy(tree = Some(tree))
        context.actorSelection("../timer") ! PCFGAddOne

So at this point, I think it should send messages back to that Timer Actor. 
BUT HOW!? I tried actorSelection, but all I got were "dead letter" errors. 
The message was not delivered. And it also seems like this PCFGParser actor 
failed to send messages to both its child actor and Timer Actor:

[INFO] [06/03/2014 01:35:25.290] [Twitter-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4] 
[akka://Twitter/user/$a/$h/$a] Message 
[TwitterProject.PCFGParserMsg$Sentence] from 
90256968] to Actor[akka://Twitter/user/$a/$h/$a#-1918790382] was not 
delivered. [6] dead letters encountered. 

[INFO] [06/03/2014 01:35:25.291] [Twitter-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-17] 
[akka://Twitter/user/$a/$d/../timer] Message 
[TwitterProject.TimerMsg$PCFGAddOne$] from Actor[akka://Twitter/user/$a/
$d#-1685001108] to Actor[akka://Twitter/user/$a/$d/../timer] was not 
delivered. [7] dead letters encountered. 

First, I admit there could be some error that's inside the business logic 
of this actor that caused this error (or really?? Could a dead actor 
triggers message not delivered error?) Second, what's the right way for 
this PCFGParser actor to send message to a distant actor?

Thank you!

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