Hi everyone,

We have a pretty weird memory leak - akka.dispatch.Envelope instances are 
not garbage collected.

Here is the code:

List<ActorRef> actors = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < ACTOR_COUNT; 
i++) { actors.add(system.actorOf(...)); } for (ActorRef actor : actors) { 
system.scheduler().schedule(FiniteDuration.create(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), 
FiniteDuration.create(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), actor, "Run", system.
dispatcher(), null); }

It creates a number of actors and then creates a scheduler for each of 
them. Actors itself are responsible for querying MQ and then process a 
When ACTOR_COUNT > 30, everything is good. But otherwise, we have a memory 
leak (instances of akka.dispatch.Envelopes with message "Run" are filling 
up and can't be garbage collected)

It's pretty weird, because when we have more actors, then we have more 
messages (1 per second for each of them) - but unexpectedly it STOPS 
filling up when there are more actors/messages.
Time interval (1000 ms) doesn't really affect the situation, it just make 
it slower or faster.

Could you please explain this behavior for me?

Thank you.

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>>>>>>>>>> http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/additional/faq.html
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