My preliminary testing suggests that the flatMapMerge version will *not*
work if the breadth value is less than maxPartitions.
I don't understand why all partition sources wouldn't continue to emit and
be merged.

On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 4:27 PM, Richard Rodseth <> wrote:

> The first two code samples here show different ways of consuming multiple
> Kafka partitions,
> without really explaining why you would use one or the other.
> html#source-per-partition
> The first uses flatMapMerge:
> val done = Consumer.committablePartitionedSource(consumerSettings, 
> Subscriptions.topics("topic1"))
>   .flatMapMerge(maxPartitions, _._2)
>   .via(business)
>   .batch(max = 20, first => 
> CommittableOffsetBatch.empty.updated(first.committableOffset)) { (batch, 
> elem) =>
>     batch.updated(elem.committableOffset)
>   }
>   .mapAsync(3)(_.commitScaladsl())
>   .runWith(Sink.ignore)
> and the second runs a per-partition stream producing a future.
> //Consumer group represented as Source[(TopicPartition, Source[Messages])]val 
> consumerGroup =
>   Consumer.committablePartitionedSource(consumerSettings, 
> Subscriptions.topics("topic1"))//Process each assigned partition separately
> {
>   case (topicPartition, source) =>
>     source
>       .via(business)
>       .toMat(Sink.ignore)(Keep.both)
>       .run()}
>   .mapAsyncUnordered(maxPartitions)(_._2)
>   .runWith(Sink.ignore)
> Can anyone say anything about the performance characteristics or other
> pros and cons of these approaches? Also, should there be a custom
> dispatcher for the futures in the second one?
> We're currently doing something like the second, but using mapAsync rather
> than emitting the futures (from running the streams-per-partition) into the
> stream. And I actually had a bug using a parallelism factor less than the
> number of partitions and some partitions didn't get processed. It strikes
> me that that in a case like this where the Futures-per-partition only
> complete at times like rebalance, that Future is a somewhat confusing
> abstraction and the flatMapMerge is somewhat more intuitive. I believe in
> example one all messages in all partitions would still be emitted even if I
> erroneously picked too low a value for maxPartitions.
> Thanks in advance.

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