I'm struggling to convert the following response marshaller.
ToResponseMarshaller is a trait and object in Spray, and Marshaller takes
one type parameter.

I've read the docs, and am stumped. Can anyone provide further guidance?

// See https://bitbucket.org/binarycamp/spray-contrib/src

trait APIStatusMarshallers {

    implicit def errorMarshaller[T](implicit translator: ErrorTranslator[T],

                                  statusCodeMapper: ErrorToStatusCodeMapper,

                                  m: Marshaller[T]): ToResponseMarshaller[
APIError] =

    ToResponseMarshaller.fromStatusCodeAndHeadersAndT.compose {

      error => (statusCodeMapper.orElse(ErrorToStatusCodeMapper.Default)(
error), DefaultHttpHeaders.NoCacheHeaders,translator(error))


    implicit def statusMarshaller[T](implicit m: Marshaller[T]):
ToResponseMarshaller[PimpedResult[(StatusCode, T)]] = {

    ToResponseMarshaller.fromStatusCodeAndHeadersAndT.compose {

      pimpedResult => pimpedResult.result match {

        case Right(response) => (response._1, DefaultHttpHeaders.
NoCacheHeaders, response._2)

        case _ => throw new RuntimeException("StatusMarshaller got invalid





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