A little late to the party, but here's an example program that does several 
kinds of streaming using akka-http:


1. streaming sourced http response
2. streamed response based on a streamed http request
3. a websocket flow
4. simple static response

On Monday, October 16, 2017 at 11:49:31 AM UTC-4, Harry wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been learning Akka Streams lately in a bid to use it to build a 
> utility to handle a batch scenario I have.
> I have been looking also at Akka Http also but have become a bit blocked 
> because although the documentation is quite extensive there are not many 
> examples.
> My use case is this:-
> 1. *Source* - Read a file of records (about 500k)
> 2. *Flow* - For each record, do a HTTP POST to a remote endpoint
> 3. *Sink* - For each Response, just log the outcome (success or failure)
> So I have something like this at high-level:-
> Source[ByteString, Future[IOResult]]  ->  *Flow*  ->  Sink[HttpRequest, 
> Future[IOResult]]
> I am not looking for someone to write my code for me but I am struggling with 
> putting togethor the whole flow because there are not many 
> examples of using the Flows that you can construct in Akka Http.
> Since I only need to hit 1 endpoint, I was thinking that the 
> [Flow](https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-http/current/scala/http/client-side/request-level.html#flow-based-variant)
> based variant of the Akka Http Request-Level Client-Side API would be the way 
> to go, I just need some examples to help me get started. 
> Can anyone point me in the right direction of some examples of using ither 
> the Request Level or Host Level APIs for using Akka HTTP in a streaming 
> fashion?
> Specifically, Im looking for examples of using Sources and Sinks with the 
> following Flows:-
> val hostPoolFlow = Http().cachedHostConnectionPool()
> val requestPoolFlow = Http().superPool()

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