Anyone got any updates on this issue. I am having similar problem where 
akka http client respond with a Success(OK) and then stream gets truncated 
while entity.dataBytes.runFold(ByteString(""))(_ ++ _). The size of the 
data received is ~20Mb.

Thanks Vimal.

On Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 12:33:47 PM UTC+1, Ubaldo Taladríz wrote:
> Hi, I'm not sure how to handle the entity stream truncation exception
> I have a "Downloader" actor using akka http client side, and I tried 
> everything, shutdown the pool, terminate the actor (The parent watches the 
> child and creates a new one ).
> This is the internal error
> [ERROR] 2016-06-29 02:09:51.348 [] 
> FileSubscriber - Tearing down 
> FileSink(tareas/2/16016/descarga/Resolucion_1467180465357.pdf) due to 
> upstream error
> akka.http.scaladsl.model.EntityStreamException: Entity stream truncation
> then i catch this error in entity.dataBytes.runWith(FileIO.toFile(new 
> File(dir, file.fileName.get))).onComplete({
> r.wasSuccesful is false (See the code below)
> [ERROR] 2016-06-29 02:09:51.350 [] 
> Downloader - !!!!!!Entity stream truncation 
> Then i got an error for each child (The default is 4 Downloaders)
> [ERROR] 2016-06-29 02:09:51.351 [] 
> ActorSystemImpl - Outgoing request stream error
> akka.http.scaladsl.model.EntityStreamException: Entity stream truncation
> Finally I got this error and the pool is shut down:
> [ERROR] 2016-06-29 02:09:51.353 [] 
> PoolMasterActor - connection pool for PoolGateway(hcps = 
> HostConnectionPoolSetup(,443,ConnectionPoolSetup(ConnectionPoolSettings(4,5,32,1,30
> seconds,ClientConnectionSettings(Some(User-Agent: akka-http/2.4.7),10 
> seconds,1 
> minute,512,<function0>,List(),ParserSettings(2048,16,64,64,8192,64,8388608,256,1048576,Strict,RFC6265,true,Full,Map(If-Range
> -> 0, If-Modified-Since -> 0, If-Unmodified-Since -> 0, default -> 12, 
> Content-MD5 -> 0, Date -> 0, If-Match -> 0, If-None-Match -> 0, User-Agent 
> -> 
> 32),false,<function1>,<function1>,<function2>))),akka.http.scaladsl.HttpsConnectionContext@5a726436,akka.event.BusLogging@68cb54fd)))
> has shut down unexpectedly
> This is the code
>  case JobStart(t: Task) =>
>       task = t
>       if (!t.task.parameter.get.getOrElse("local", "false").toBoolean) {
>         val uri = t.file.parameters.get("downloadUri")
>, "downloading")).onComplete({
>           case Success(r) =>
>             http.get.singleRequest(HttpRequest(uri = uri)).pipeTo(self)
>           case Failure(e) =>
>             throw e
>         })(fixedThreadPoolExecutionContext)
>       }
>       else {
>         endJob(t)
>       }
> case HttpResponse(OK, headers, entity, _) =>
>       val content = headers.filter( == "Content-Disposition")
>       if (content.size > 0) {
>         val dir = new File(task.get.dir, "download")
>         dir.mkdir()
>         val file = task.get.file.copy(fileName = 
> Some(headers.filter( == 
> "Content-Disposition").head.value().split(";")(1).split("=")(1)))
>         task = Some(task.get.copy(file = file))
>         entity.dataBytes.runWith(FileIO.toFile(new File(dir, 
> file.fileName.get))).onComplete({
>           case Success(r) =>
>             log.debug(s"Downloaded ${}  actor ${
>             if (r.wasSuccessful)
>     , "downloadd")).onComplete({
>                 case Success(r) =>
>                   endJob(task.get)
>                 case Failure(e) => throw e
>               })(fixedThreadPoolExecutionContext)
>             else {
>               log.error(s"!!!!!!${r.getError.getMessage}",r.getError)
>     , "downloading", Some(s"Error 
>  ${r.getError.getMessage}"), Some(Errors.downloadingError))).onComplete({
>                 case Success(t) =>
>         "!!!!Finalizo Trabajo")
>                   endJob(task.get.copy(retries = task.get.retries + 1, 
> state = "start"))
>                   context.stop(self) //I tried everything, 
> http.shutdownAllConnectionPools()
>                 case Failure(e) => throw e
>               })(fixedThreadPoolExecutionContext)
>             }
>           case Failure(e) =>
>             log.error(e.getMessage,e)
>   , "downloading", Some(s"Error 
>  ${e.getMessage}"), Some(Errors.downloadingError))).onComplete({
>               case Success(t) =>
>                 endJob(task.get.copy(retris = task.get.retries + 1, state 
> = "start"))
>               case Failure(e) => throw e
>             })(fixedThreadPoolExecutionContext)
>         })
>       }
>       else {
>       // The server responds HTTP 200 OK but the content has no file 
> attached
>         entity.toStrict(2.second).map(s=>{
>           case Success(_) =>
>           case Failure(_) =>
>         }
>         )(fixedThreadPoolExecutionContext)
>, "downloading", Some(s"Error no 
>  Content-Disposition header"), Some(Errors.downloadingError))).onComplete({
>           case Success(t) =>
>             endJob(task.get.copy(retries = task.get.retries + 1, state = 
> "start"))
>           case Failure(e) => throw e
>         })(fixedThreadPoolExecutionContext)
>       }
>     case HttpResponse(code, headers, entity, _) =>
>       //Server respond != HTTP 200 OK
>       entity.toStrict(2.second).map(s=>{
>         case Success(_) =>
>         case Failure(_) =>
>       }
>       )(fixedThreadPoolExecutionContext)
>, "downloading", Some(s"Error http 
> ${code.intValue()} ${code.defaultMessage()}"), 
> Some(Errores.downloadingError))).onComplete({
>         case Success(t) =>
>           endJob(task.get.copy(retries = task.get.retries + 1, state = 
> "start"))
>         case Failure(e) => throw e
>       })(fixedThreadPoolExecutionContext)
>     case =>
>      //URI is wrong
>       log.error("Failure Akka")
>       log.error(e, e.getMessage)
>, "downloading", Some(e.getMessage), 
> Some(Errors.downloadingError))).onComplete({
>         case Success(t) =>
>           endJob(task.get.copy(retries = task.get.retries + 1, state = 
> "start"))
>         case Failure(e) => throw e
>       })(fixedThreadPoolExecutionContext)
> -- 
> Ubaldo Taladriz Truan

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