Hi Mahadev,

this was answered elswhere, so for completeness sake:

1. The sample code seems to create an actor system as a response to a put
request, this is expensive and a bit strange, use the actor system you are
running Akka HTTP on top of instead.
2. no need to set IO dispatcher, the File sink is already running on that
(if needed)
3. newer use Await in routes, this may render your application completely
unresponsive as it keeps the thread for the given duration instead of
turning it back to the threadpool, in routes you can instead use onSuccess
or onComplete, or even do a complete(futureValue)

Something like this should work fine:

    path("upload") {
      post {
        withoutSizeLimit {
          extractDataBytes { bytes =>
            val path = Files.createTempFile("upload", "dat")
            system.log.info(s"Writing request body to $path")

            onSuccess(bytes.runWith(FileIO.toPath(path))) {
              case IOResult(count, Success(Done)) =>
complete(s"Successfully wrote $count bytes to $path")
              case IOResult(_, Failure(ex)) => throw ex

Akka Team

On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 4:51 PM, <mahadev.khap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Team, With below "extractDataBytes" directive to file sink, I am
> unable to upload a file greater than 1 KB size. Where as below "fileUpload"
> directive to file sink is successful in uploading 700MB file! with same
> akka-server configuration. What is wrong with extractDataBytes code? Any
> specific configuration for "extractDataBytes" is required? Please assist.
> *extractDataBytes:*
> *curl -k -i -X PUT --header token -d @myfile700MB.tar
> https://abc/uploadContent <https://abc/uploadContent>*
> put {
>         implicit val system = ActorSystem("RepositoryService")
>         implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
>         implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutor = 
> system.dispatchers.lookup("akka.stream.default-blocking-io-dispatcher")
>        withoutSizeLimit {
>         (extractDataBytes & extractMaterializer) { (bytes,mat) =>
>           val uploadTmp = File.createTempFile("uploadTMP", ".txt")
>           logger.info(" Temp absolute path is : " + 
> Paths.get(uploadTmp.getAbsolutePath) + " " +
>             Paths.get(uploadTmp.getAbsolutePath).toString)
>           try {
>             import scala.concurrent.duration._
>             import akka.stream.scaladsl.FileIO
>               val action = bytes.runWith(FileIO.toPath(uploadTmp.toPath)
> .withAttributes(ActorAttributes.dispatcher("akka.stream.default-blocking-io-dispatcher")))(mat).map
>  {
>               case ior if ior.wasSuccessful => {
>                 val end = System.currentTimeMillis
>                 logger.info(StatusCodes.OK + s"${ior.count}" + "bytes 
> written")
>                 complete(StatusCodes.OK, "Successfully written to FILE. ")
>               }
>               case ior => complete(StatusCodes.EnhanceYourCalm, 
> ior.getError.toString)
>             }
>             Await.result(action, 30.seconds)
>           } catch {
>             case ex: Throwable => {
>               logger.info("Exception in writing to file: " + ex.getMessage)
>               complete(StatusCodes.OK, "Exception in writing to file:  ")
>             }
>         }
>       }
>     }
> *fileUpload*
> *curl -k -i -X PUT --header token--form "csv=@myfile700MB.tar"
> https://abc/uploadContent <https://abc/uploadContent>*
> put {
> val uploadFile = File.createTempFile("uploadFile", ".txt")
> (extractRequestContext & extractMaterializer) { (ctx,mat) =>
> implicit val materializer = ctx.materializer
> implicit val ec = ctx.executionContext
>         fileUpload("csv") {
>           case (metadata, byteSource) =>
>             try {
>               import scala.concurrent.duration._
>               import akka.stream.scaladsl.FileIO
>               val action = 
> byteSource.runWith(FileIO.toPath(uploadFile.toPath))(mat).map {
>                 case ior if ior.wasSuccessful => {
>                   val end = System.currentTimeMillis
>                   logger.info(StatusCodes.OK + s"${ior.count}" + "bytes 
> written")
>                   complete(StatusCodes.OK, "Successfully written to FILE. ")
>                 }
>                 case ior => complete(StatusCodes.EnhanceYourCalm, 
> ior.getError.toString)
>               }
>               Await.result(action, 30.seconds)
>             } catch {
>               case ex: Throwable => {
>                 logger.info("Exception in writing to file: " + ex.getMessage)
>                 //stream.write(s"Exception in writing to file: 
> ${ex.getMessage}".getBytes)
>                 complete(StatusCodes.OK, "Exception in writing to file:  ")
>               }
>             }
>             }
>           }
>         }
> --
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