Re: [alexandria-devel] Reminder alexandria:curry is not currying

2012-04-12 Thread Attila Lendvai
> Unfortunately, the wrong usage of the term "curry" has been going on
> in the Common Lisp world for years now, and many people have moved
> over to using Alexandria's CURRY and RCURRY instead of the versions in
> their private library.  At this point, it would be really upsetting to
> remove those names from Alexandria again, however "wrong" they may be.

well, keeping on calling a spade a 'hammer is also upsetting once we
got to know that it's not called a 'spade by the rest of the world...

sticking to old versions in the age of version control is trivial. and
if it's not, then that is the real problem that needs fixing.

i'm being philosophical here, promoting consistency (one may say truth
even), without a strong opinion on the actual issue.


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alexandria-devel mailing list

Re: [alexandria-devel] Reminder alexandria:curry is not currying

2012-04-11 Thread Tomohiro Matsuyama
> > BTW, I have three candidates for synonyms:
> >
> > 1. PARTIAL-APPLY (wrong grammar?)
> > 2. PARTIALLY-APPLY (too descriptive?)
> > 3. APPLY-PARTIALLY (used in GNU Emacs, natural for me)
> I would go with #1, but #3 doesn't sound bad either. ...but I'm not a
> native speaker either.

Whichever is chosen, I don't care actually. I'm waiting for the implementation 

 Tomohiro Matsuyama 

alexandria-devel mailing list

Re: [alexandria-devel] Reminder alexandria:curry is not currying

2012-04-11 Thread Nikodemus Siivola
On 11 April 2012 13:59, Tomohiro Matsuyama  wrote:

> BTW, I have three candidates for synonyms:
> 1. PARTIAL-APPLY (wrong grammar?)
> 2. PARTIALLY-APPLY (too descriptive?)
> 3. APPLY-PARTIALLY (used in GNU Emacs, natural for me)

I would go with #1, but #3 doesn't sound bad either. ...but I'm not a
native speaker either.


 -- nikodemus

alexandria-devel mailing list

Re: [alexandria-devel] Reminder alexandria:curry is not currying

2012-04-11 Thread Tomohiro Matsuyama
> Hans pretty much nails it. I'm fine adding PARTIAL-APPLY and
> REVERSE-PARTIAL-APPLY as synomyms, but not so wild about PAPPLY and


BTW, I have three candidates for synonyms:

1. PARTIAL-APPLY (wrong grammar?)
2. PARTIALLY-APPLY (too descriptive?)
3. APPLY-PARTIALLY (used in GNU Emacs, natural for me)

Which is better or natural for English speakers?

Tomohiro Matsuyama 

alexandria-devel mailing list

Re: [alexandria-devel] Reminder alexandria:curry is not currying

2012-04-11 Thread Nikodemus Siivola
On 11 April 2012 08:49, Hans Hübner  wrote:

> There has been no progress in the discussion because there has been no
> clear winner with respect to how the partial application macros should
> be named.  While I understand the objections against using the term
> "curry" to name partial application, the naming is still a question of
> style.
> Unfortunately, the wrong usage of the term "curry" has been going on
> in the Common Lisp world for years now, and many people have moved
> over to using Alexandria's CURRY and RCURRY instead of the versions in
> their private library.  At this point, it would be really upsetting to
> remove those names from Alexandria again, however "wrong" they may be.
> So, if anything, there should be additional names that are more
> correct.  Given the discussion from 2009, I'd say we need CURRY ==
> REVERSE-PARTIALLY-APPLY.  If the matter is important to you, please
> submit a patch.

Hans pretty much nails it. I'm fine adding PARTIAL-APPLY and
REVERSE-PARTIAL-APPLY as synomyms, but not so wild about PAPPLY and


 -- Nikodemus

alexandria-devel mailing list

Re: [alexandria-devel] Reminder alexandria:curry is not currying

2012-04-10 Thread Hans Hübner
On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 4:10 AM, Tomohiro Matsuyama  wrote:
> Is there any progress on this discussion?
> I really won't use `curry' as partial application. I hope `partial-apply' 
> will be soon available.

There has been no progress in the discussion because there has been no
clear winner with respect to how the partial application macros should
be named.  While I understand the objections against using the term
"curry" to name partial application, the naming is still a question of

Unfortunately, the wrong usage of the term "curry" has been going on
in the Common Lisp world for years now, and many people have moved
over to using Alexandria's CURRY and RCURRY instead of the versions in
their private library.  At this point, it would be really upsetting to
remove those names from Alexandria again, however "wrong" they may be.

So, if anything, there should be additional names that are more
correct.  Given the discussion from 2009, I'd say we need CURRY ==
REVERSE-PARTIALLY-APPLY.  If the matter is important to you, please
submit a patch.


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