On 10/03/2018 16:37, Thomas Seeling wrote:

I'm building 8.2 LFS with jhalfs 2.4 and I noticed that step 114-libelf
fails because some commands are missing in the Makefile.
After I added the ">>" marked lines (copied from 113 and adapted the
name) it worked. All other steps in the Makefile look good.

114-libelf:  113-gettext
        @$(call echo_message, Building)
        @export BASHBIN=$(SHELL) && $(SHELL) progress_bar.sh $@ $$PPID &
        @echo "$(nl_)`date`$(nl_)" >logs/$@
        @$(PRT_DU_CR) >>logs/$@
        @$(call touch_timestamp)
        @$(call remove_existing_dirs2,elfutils-0.170.tar.bz2)
        @$(call unpack2,elfutils-0.170.tar.bz2)
        @$(call get_pkg_root2)
        @source envars && \
        $(crCMDSDIR)/chapter06/$@ >>logs/$@ 2>&1 && \
        $(PRT_DU_CR) >>logs/$@
        @$(call remove_build_dirs2,elfutils)
        @$(call log_new_files,elfutils)
        @$(call housekeeping)

Ah, This was fixed in trunk but not in the 2.4 branch (sorry about that). I'll fix this, but you should really move to using trunk (svn://svn.linuxfromscratch.org/ALFS/jhalfs/trunk).


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