I wish to alert readers to a small book that benefits The Schneider 
Children's Medical Center of Israel.  The Brown Paper Sack (ISBN 
0-9712571-1-6) is the heartwarming story of an executive at a crossroads in 
his life.  He wants to change, but he doesn't know where to turn. Then he 
comes upon a little old man in the park.  What transpires between them 
completely transforms his life.

As a mother and grandmother, I agonized over the continuing terrorist 
attacks in Israel and grieved for the families --- especially the 
children.  I asked myself what a Midwestern farm wife could do to help. I 
knew I could do nothing to protect the children, but, as an author, I COULD 
write a book and channel funds to those who care for the injured.

All this happened in the blink of an eye while my husband and I were 
driving through Wisconsin. We traveled in the company of dear friends from 
Chicago.  Jews, they lamented for the problems in Israel and the wife had 
relatives in a northern city.  As we drove along in separate cars, I 
pondered the situation and glanced into the backseat.  I spotted a small 
sack from a hardware store.  The next few hours were a blur of my pen on 
anything I could find in the car. Words flooded into my mind as fast as I 
could write them down.

The result is an inspirational story, historically based, linked to 
Proverbs 3:13 --- a strong piece that affirms the value of human 
relationships.  My take as an author?  "Never underestimate the power of love."

Twenty percent of the cover price of this little book goes to The Schneider 
Children's Medical Center of Israel. My mission?  I want to raise as much 
money as I can for a worthy group of individuals who labor in war-torn 
country.  I would be pleased to send you a review copy.  My goal is to find 
someone who will help me by simply putting a review in a newsletter or 
placing the book on a recommended reading list.

An excellent discussion group book, The Brown Paper Sack prompts thought 
and prods conscience in an uniquely tailored book.  I have confidence that 
you will respond, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Hetty Gray

HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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