This is one of my favorite organizations. Just wanted to share their latest 
newsletter in case you do not subscribe to it. They have some great recipes on 
their site too!

Compassion Over Killing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: COK's eNews: Shop Vegan, Help California Farm Animals, and more!
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 15:10:38 -0400
From: Compassion Over Killing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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 October 16, 2007          
                      Shop at in October and Help COK 
Help Animals! 
                            For the entire month of October,,  an all-vegan online store, is generously donating 10 
percent of all sales to COK! Choose  from a wide variety of animal-friendly 
items including leather-free footwear & accessories,  cruelty-free personal 
care products, discounted books, videos, groceries, and—just in  time for 
Halloween—an assortment of sweets and treats! 
               Start shopping! 
                 Article: More Young People Go the Vegetarian Route 
                            By Mary Brophy Marcus as printed in USA Today on 
October 15, 2007 
               Many nutrition experts say they’ve seen changes in the food 
landscape  over the past five to 10 years that suggest a growing popularity of 
vegetarianism  among young people. Young people cite a host of reasons for 
going meat-free, such  as personal taste, concerns about animal treatment, 
environmental questions  surrounding livestock and the influence of peers and 
               Read the full article. 
                 Action Alert: California Farmed Animals Need Your Help! 
                            An important and precedent-setting ballot 
initiative campaign is underway  in California to ban the cruelest confinement 
systems in the veal, egg, and  pork industries. California animal advocates are 
working hard to gather  the required 650,000 signatures to get this measure on 
the November 2008  ballot. Since there are only five short months in which to 
gather these  signatures, your help is urgently needed today! 
               If you live in California, please volunteer to help collect 
signatures for  this important campaign. Visit  to learn 
more! If you’re not a California resident, but know others who are,  please 
pass on this alert and refer them to the web site. 
               Recipe: Apple Crisp from the COK Kitchen 
                            Who can resist apples  and oatmeal smothered in 
maple syrup and brown sugar?  One bite of this classic fall dessert, and you’ll 
want to make it over and over again. 
             In this issue…          
                          1. Shop at in October and Help 
COK Help Animals!          
                          2. Article: More Young People Go the Vegetarian Route 
                                                3. Action Alert: California 
Farmed Animals Need Your Help!          
                  4. Recipe: Apple Crisp from the COK Kitchen    
                          World Go Vegan Days | Oct. 26 - 28.    Learn how you 
can get involved today!          
                          About COK          
                          Compassion Over Killing (COK) is a nonprofit animal 
advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C.          
                          Working to end animal abuse since 1995, COK exposes 
cruelty to farmed    animals and promotes vegetarian eating as a way to reduce 
                          Visit to learn more.          
                  Please join our efforts to help animals.    
                          Thank you!          
             P.O. Box 9773
             Washington, DC 20016
             T: 301-891-2458
             F: 301-891-6815
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]             
                                                                      You are 
subscribed to this newsletter as [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subscribe or unsubscribe from
             COK’s Compassionate Action eNewsletter.          

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 Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games. 

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