Fox hunting dvds on ebay                Posted by:      "South 
West Animal Protection"             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           
               southwestanimalprotection                                 Thu 
Nov 22, 2007 1:08 pm        (PST)                       PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY 
 Swap team have received the email below from one of our supporters and 
 friend and we have been asked to put this out to everyone on our email list.
 Please read the email below and make your polite complaint to ebay at this 
 addy ukrswebhelp@
 Sample complaint below but please use your own words and quote the item 
 numbers of the dvds being sold.
 Many thanks for your support
 SWAP team
 Hello everyone,
 I just wanted to ask if you could check out the dvds currently being sold on 
 ebay by various sellers which boast of scenes of fox hunting before the ban, 
 including hounds in cry, digging out etc. I'm worried these are providing 
 both support and encouragement to the fox hunting industry. I feel it is 
 also realistic to say that these dvds could also encourage some individuals 
 to join or follow hunts which still operate outside of the law, which as we 
 all know is still a massive problem at the moment.
 If you've got a spare five mins I would like to ask if you could all email 
 ebays customer services on ukrswebhelp@ asking them to permanently 
 remove and ban such items. while I admit it's not perfect I have included a 
 sample email at the bottom of the page- feel free to send your own but 
 please keep them polite and constructive. Item numbers for the dvds include; 
 280173208684, 330188526815, 330188741522, 180182950236 with item numbers 
 220172580357 and 280174284940 while they state they are for educational 
 purposes only they also state that they can improve your fox hunting 
 skills...sick hey? Thanks for your time.
 Sample email
 I wish to draw your attention to ebay being used for the sale of dvds that 
 are promoting the illlegal bloodsport of fox hunting, items such as 
 330188741522 and 180182950236 proudly boast of views of the hunt in action 
 while item 280174284940 actually implies that individuals will be better at 
 hunting a fox after watching it. There are a number of dvds of the same 
 nature, a simple search under fox hunting dvds brings up a wide range. I 
 feel it is a major concern that ebay is being used for the promotion and 
 encouragement of what is an illegal and barbaric activity and it is with 
 this that I ask ebay to strongly consider the removal of these items with a 
 ban instigated for future items that could be seen to promote illegal fox 
 hunting, Many thanks.
 ----- Original Message ----- 
 From: South West Animal Protection
 To: ukrswebhelp@
 Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2007 6:52 PM
 Subject: Fox hunting dvd's sold on ebay
 Dear ebay customer services
 It has been brought to our immediate attention that ebay customers are 
 selling dvd's promoting scenes of fox hunting with dogs. This thankfully is 
 now an illegal sport and has no place being promoted on a public website. 
 The majority of people in the UK are against this barbaric and outdated 
 blood sport which inflicts the most heinous crimes on our wildlife, we 
 therefore politely urge you to implement a ban on the sale and distribution 
 of this type of offensive material.
 We suspect that you will receive many other complaints of this nature and we 
 feel that from a moral as well as a legal point of view you should give this 
 your immediate attention. Any other product that promotes animal cruelty ie 
 fur items being sold on ebay should be removed without hesitation.
 May we also remind you that hunting with dogs is now illegal therefore any 
 promotion of this on ebay is in direct contravention of the law. The items 
 numbers for your perusal are 280173208684, 330188526815, 330188741522, 
 180182950236,  220172580357, and 280174284940.
 Thank you
 Best wishes
 Helen Stevens (South West Animal Protection team)
"There is no  religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like 
about their  religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to 
other animals as  well as humans, it is all a sham."  -- Anna Sewell 

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