Tell Turkish Prince of Pop Tarkan to Stop Wearing Fur         Turkish pop 
singer Tarkan has been spotted wearing fur. Please join PETA Asia-Pacific in 
telling him to do the compassionate thing and "kiss, kiss" fur goodbye.
 Animals trapped in the wild may suffer for days before dying from blood loss, 
infection, exposure, or attacks by predators. Some, especially mothers with 
babies to feed, chew off their own limbs in a desperate attempt to escape. 
Trapped animals are bludgeoned, drowned, or stomped to death. On fur farms, 
animals spend their lives pacing around in tiny, filthy wire cages, where they 
often go insane before they are gassed or anally electrocuted or have their 
necks broken. Sometimes these methods only stun the animals, who often "wake 
up" while they are being skinned.
 A host of entertainers and designers—like Sir Paul McCartney, Stella 
McCartney, Maggie Q, Charlize Theron, Karen Mok, and Mariah Carey—have already 
shunned fur.
 Tell Tarkan that every time he throws his credit card down to purchase fur, he 
is not only directly responsible for the deaths of dozens of animals but also 
sending a clear message to everyone that sees him that animals' lives are less 
important than fashion. Please write to Tarkan and demand that he do the decent 
and compassionate thing and stop wearing fur.
 Personalized letters always work best. Feel free to use the following text, 
but your message will carry more weight if you write your own customized 
message and subject line.

       Take Action on This Issue
                 Dear [ Decision Maker ],
                  (Edit Letter Below)
      I am writing to express my concern over sightings of you in fur. More and 
more people are realizing the inherent cruelty of the fur industry, and I hope 
that you will too. A recent investigation of fur farms in China exposed 
horrific cruelty. The investigators collected video footage showing that 
farmers swing raccoon dogs and foxes by their hind legs and slam their heads to 
the ground - breaking the animals' necks or backs but leaving them panting, 
blinking, and conscious as they are skinned alive. Many are killed by anal or 
vaginal electrocution, gassing, or suffocation. Please stop promoting the 
suffering and deaths of animals and stop wearing fur immediately. As a role 
model for many people, you have the duty to set an example of compassion and 
kindness.          Sincerely,
"There is no  religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like 
about their  religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to 
other animals as  well as humans, it is all a sham."  -- Anna Sewell 

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