As previously said pavucontrol to configure pulseaudio.

BITD the default sound card was index 0.  Which could not be
overridden by some things.  So re-indexing was the desired way to
override things.  These days most things respect the .asoundrc.  And
you can have a pretty short one to change your default index #.  (if
not using pulseaudio)

FILE: ~/.asoundrc

defaults.ctl.card 2
defaults.pcm.card 2
defaults.pcm.device 0

You really only need the defaults.pcm.card # one though.  The others
are nice for things that change mixer levels in app or for hdmi audio
out which might be device 3, not 0.  Where card # is what is listed in
/proc/asound/cards.  YMMV.

$ cat /proc/asound/cards

Many apps let you override the default by parameter as well.  Such as
-D hw:2 for aplay.  Or --ao=alsa:device=hw,2 for mpv which is a fork
of mplayer(2?).  With the above .asoundrc it's simpler with just
--ao=alsa, or completely omit the option.  Things like audacity let
you select the available card under preferences.  If you wish to use
something other than the system defaults.

- James

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