I've got a CHT Z8350 device with a 4.4 kernel (binary). Sound do work there 
with some amixer settings. But it has other issues on display. 
For that, I'm trying to upgrade the kernel and the display issue is gone. But 
the sound is broken.

With kernel 4.11, the rt5645 is detected successful, and volume is configurable 
in pavucontrol, but the headphone is silent. I achieve this by disable the 
snd_hdmi_lpe_audio. Before that HDMI was always the default card.

I've attached alsa-info form the 2 kernel (suffix with 440 for old kernel, 411 
for new).The main difference I can find is the device node name is different, 
among may other difference in value.
Please let me know if any other info are needed.

Attachment: alsa-info.tgz
Description: Binary data

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