Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 21:47:05 -0500
To: fastball(at)
From: Bret Baughman <stats4u(at)>
Subject: Back up and running

Due to the move of web servers by the ISC I have been down for
the better part of this last week. I know a lot of you have gotten
bounced mail but I assure you this has all been taken care of.
If I could have anyone that has sent messages to me and I have
not responded to, please resend them and I will get to them this
weekend. I hope you all enjoy the new ISC site. Al has done a
great job setting it up. I would also like to announce we are
going to start placing some articles within the history section
of the ISC. I would like to point everyone to 1981 where Al has
put up 18 pages of articles and pictures from that tournament.
Over the next few months I will be adding articles I have collected
through the last year and stats that Gary Baughman has compiled
running all the way back to the 1975 ISC World Tournament. Again
if anyone has articles that you would like to see on the ISC
web site under a particular year please forward them to me or
to Al. I hope you have all had a good winter and good luck in
the upcoming season.

Bret Baughman
ISC Historian and Asst Statistician

 Als Fastball List
*Email: fastball(at)

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